Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Third Trimester, Let's Go!: Week 28

Hello, third trimester! I am SO happy to see you :)

Only 11 weeks to go until we can meet our little man. YAY!

I have to admit, I have been having some anxiety about his birth and about being a mom lately. Will I know what to do? Will I know how to nurse him and hold him? Will I be a good mom? How much is our life going to change? Will I ever sleep again...

I'm trying not to focus on all of that... as I know every new mom goes through something similar... but I'm such a planner and I want to be prepared for when he arrives and what I need to do. I just hope it all comes naturally :) And, in the meantime, I'm trying my best to relax. It will all work out.

Otherwise, we have been busy busy getting ready for our little boy. And yet, we still have SO much to do! We pulled the trigger and we bought a new car this weekend, so we have one less thing to worry about.

Say hello to Albie, our new Acura RDX (it's short for Albert).

Our new car!

Isn't he sharp?

After 4+ hours of negotiation at the dealership, we finally made a deal! Woohoo. And, we felt like we did a pretty good job. We went through the Costco Auto Program (they already pre-negotiate a low rate with certain dealers) and we negotiated an even LOWER rate... we don't know if the Finance Manager was just blowing smoke, or what, but he told us we got the best deal they've ever given on an RDX. He said if he would have known about it before the Sales Manager gave it to us, he wouldn't have approved it. HA. So, that made us feel pretty darn good :) We love a good deal.

Now that we bought the car, we can turn our focus back to the nursery and getting our house in order! 

I've still been feeling good overall. I've been tired, but we've been really busy. I feel like our weekends have been non-stop, so it's not wonder I'm pooped! And, here's the latest bump pic.

28 weeks!

Baby boy is growing! This week his lungs are more mature, so he's practicing breathing, hiccuping, coughing... he's also now blinking and dreaming in REM sleep. How cool is that? What are you dreaming about, little dude? And, he's putting on FAT. He's already pretty long, so now he just needs to bulk up before his arrival.

How far along: 28 weeks

Baby's size: EGGPLANT (13.6 - 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5lbs) 

Weight gain: 23 lbs 

Symptoms: I've been tired, but otherwise I'm still feeling good overall. I haven't been swollen (knock on wood) or had too many aches and pains (beyond my hips when I'm sleeping). I've still been really active and walk 5 miles 3-4 times a week, so although I'm getting bigger, I'm still getting around pretty good. Let's hope this continues!

Pregnancy perks: Being in the THIRD TRIMESTER is pretty awesome! Knowing that the baby is basically fully developed and just needs some finishing touches, also makes me feel good.

Things I miss: I've been doing pretty good about keeping it in check. Although walking by all the patios on my walk home from work and seeing all the people enjoying their favorite beverages makes me jealous. Less than 3 months to go!

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: I haven't had any major cravings this week... if I see something and it sounds good, I want it. Sweets and chocolate are always at the top of my list. Ice cream. Carbs. You name it, I'll eat it. I definitely have a hearty appetite these days!

Labor Signs: None yet! I haven't felt any Braxton Hicks contractions or anything yet. 

Keep on keeping on, baby boy! We love you.

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