We had our 28 week appointment today (we're technically 27 weeks and 6 days, so this post still counts for 27 weeks!) and the doctor said everything looks great! Baby boy is growing right on schedule and he's got a strong and healthy heartbeat of 130 bpm.
I had my glucose test today, which means I had to chug a sugary orange drink (think super sweet gatorade) and then had to wait an hour so they could test my blood to see how my body processes sugar, to see if I'm at risk for gestational diabetes. I've been feeling great and am not swollen, so *fingers crossed* hopefully that means all is well and my results come back normal. I would die (okay, exaggeration) if I had to give up sugar right now. I. LOVE. SWEETS.
Otherwise, all is good in baby land. We had our first child birth class last weekend and it was great! It was very informative without being too much (or too graphic with the actual birth details) and our teacher was really amazing. Now I feel like I have a better grasp of what to look for to know that I am actually in labor, because I mean, how do you really know? Do you just know? I don't know... and what to do when I think I'm in labor (call the emergency line at the doctor's office before going into the hospital) and what to expect for the actual labor and delivery.
I would like an epidural (give me the drugs!) and otherwise just want a normal, healthy and safe delivery. We'll see what our little guy has in mind when he's ready to arrive :)
In other news, time has been flying by... work has been busier for me and I feel like I haven't had as much time to prepare for the baby. I'm behind in reading my baby books and need to get caught up this weekend! MUST READ. We've also been in the throes of car shopping for a second car, and I forgot what an ordeal it is. We've visited 6+ dealerships over the past few weeks and hope to make our BIG decision this weekend.
We've come to the conclusion that we would like a nicer SUV (that works within our budget) and we've got our eye on the Acura RDX. We'll put our negotiating skills to the test this weekend to see if we can finally make a deal! Wish us luck!
27 weeks! |
I got my hair cut, hence the straight hair in my pic this week. I wish I wasn't so lazy and would actually straighten my hair more, but it just takes too much time... and let's be honest... I just don't care that much about my hair to go to all the effort. HA! But, it was nice while it lasted, and now it's back to curly (until my next hair cut).
The bump is getting bigger...
How far along: 27 weeks
Baby's size: RUTABAGA (13.6 - 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5lbs)
Weight gain: 22 lbs
Symptoms: I've been feeling good this week. This wacky weather has been putting my allergies into overdrive, so I've been really congested... and I get out of breath easier, but otherwise good. Oh, and I have had MAJOR pregnancy brain. Ladies, it's real! I never lose anything... and I've been a hot mess lately... I lost my ID and my Fitbit (don't ask) over the past few weeks (both of which I actually just relocated on Tuesday! YAY!)
Pregnancy perks: Knowing I'm almost in the THIRD TRIMESTER feels pretty darn good.
Things I miss: Sushi! I've really been craving sushi lately... and WINE. Now that it's getting warmer outside, I would love to sit on a patio and enjoy a nice glass of Prosecco!
Food aversions: Same old, same old. Eggs, shrimp... some seafood (the smell).
Food cravings: Anything chocolate... chocolate and peanut butter. YUMMMM. I could probably also eat Chipotle everyday of the week, but I don't want to turn into a beast... I'm trying my best to be healthy, but I do love my sweets!
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