Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Hips Don't Lie: Week 29

29 weeks, here we go!

T-minus 71 days until our due date. Woohoo! Let the countdown begin :)

Let's see, what did we do this week...

I had a maternity massage last weekend at Kohler Waters Spa in Burr Ridge, and it was pretty darn amazing... I don't know if you've ever been to the original Kohler Waters Spa at the American Club in Kohler, Wisconsin, but THAT is the place to go. The sister spa in Burr Ridge was very nice, too, but it's got nothing on the original! We went to the original Kohler spa for our mini moon after we got married and it was AMAZING! (but super pricey!). I can't wait to go back there, hopefully someday soon :)

Anywho, my maternity massage was wonderful, except for one tiny fact... my masseuse did NOT stop talking for the entire 80 minute massage!? Now, I don't know about you, but when I get a massage it's a splurge, and I want absolute relaxation (i.e. no talking! just shut up and rub me!). SO, this lady was very nice, but she wanted to tell me all about her birth and how she became a mother... and how challenging and difficult it was... and how I'll never sleep again and my boobs will be really saggy and I'll lose all my friends... Way to help a pregnant lady relax! HA. I tried to tune her out and the massage felt great, but really... COME ON.

But, she did say that the baby is nestled right in my hips and I had a ton of tension there... which makes sense, given all the hip pain I've had, especially when I sleep, so it felt great to get some of that worked out. Now, if only I could afford to have a massage every week... preferably one without talking :)

In other news, since we're in the third trimester, I have a doctor's appointment every 2 weeks. I had my appointment on Tuesday, and the doc said all looks great! I passed my Glucose test (yay!) and baby boy has a strong heartbeat and is growing right on schedule. I had to get my Tdap vaccine (protects against tetanus, diptheria and whooping cough) and I forgot how sore that makes your arm! Ouch! My arm still hurts...

I've been feeling a little off since then (tired, achy, nauseous) which are some side effects (oh joy!) from the vaccine. At least I'm done with that!

AND, we had another child care class this week: Childcare 101! I really enjoy the classes and find it reassuring to be around other couples who are expecting their first baby. It's a helpful refresher to go through the basics and be able to ask questions. One woman raised her hand and said she's never been around a newborn before in her life... so that made me feel good... at least we're not the most clueless people there. Ha!

29 weeks!

Baby boy is growing! He's had a growth spurt and is up to 2.5 - 3.8lbs this week. It's crazy to think that he'll double (maybe even triple) in weight before he's born! This week he is busy putting on more fat and hiccuping... a lot... it's fun to feel my belly vibrate :)

How far along: 29 weeks

Baby's size: Acorn Squash (15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8lbs) 

Weight gain: 24 lbs 

Symptoms: Tired. I could probably take a nap everyday... my belly is getting heavier and the baby is putting more pressure on my bladder, which means I pee about 50 times a day. I think I'm carrying him really low, as he hasn't been up near my rib cage (thank goodness!), but my lower back and hips have been a bit achy. Overall, I feel good! Sleep is probably my biggest complaint... hello, sleepless nights!

Pregnancy perks: We were out and about this past weekend and I had a handful of people tell me they couldn't believe I was 29 weeks pregnant... SO, that's always nice to hear, especially when I'm feeling large and in charge! AND, I got a size C bra this weekend. Woohoo! Gotta enjoy these babies while they're here :) 

Things I miss: Sleeping, wine, fitting into my clothes. 

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: Frozen yogurt (could eat this every day!), Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream (from Oberweis! is the best), turkey burgers and CARBS. 

Labor Signs: Nothing yet!

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