Thursday, April 30, 2015

Clumsy Cathy: Week 30

I know that "pregnancy brain" is a symptom... but is becoming a major klutz also a side effect of pregnancy? In my case, it definitely is...

I have never been a very clumsy person, and boy, oh boy, I don't know what happened? I drop things ALL of the time... if Lukas tries to throw me something, forget about it... I don't know what it is, but I think my hand eye coordination is WAY off these days. HA. Hopefully that's a symptom that won't stick around after baby boy arrives :)

We are 30 weeks and counting! It feels really good to say we're in the 30's. The big 3-0. It's funny how time seems to drag on and on in the beginning of pregnancy, and now, time is FLYING... up until around week 24, it seemed to take forever to get to the next week. And now, I blink and another week has gone by.

This is WONDERFUL and terrifying at the same time! I am so so so excited to meet our little man, I can barely contain it... but at the same time, I am somewhat terrified. I have been feeling much better about things in general. I've been spending time with our baby nephew Emmett, and it feels good to get a little practice holding a newborn baby. But, there are so many unknowns that exist.

I'm just going to block them out and enjoy NOW. We only have 9 weeks left as a family of 2, so we better enjoy it while we can :)

We have been busy getting our house in order. Everything except for the nursery, that is. Unfortunately our crib and nursery furniture don't arrive until next week (it took 12 weeks for delivery). To all the other expecting mamas out there, take a friendly word of advice and order your crib early. Anyway, we installed some new lights, ceiling fans and rearranged some furniture this weekend, and the house is coming along nicely :) Lukas says that I'm in my "uber nesting" phase right now, and I won't argue with that!

In baby news, baby boy is growing, growing, growing...

30 weeks!

Baby is getting so big that when he moves around in my belly, my whole tummy shifts from one side to the other. It's such an awesome (and weird) feeling! It's so entertaining. When I get home, I sit on the couch and stare at my belly as he wiggles around... is that an arm? a leg? his head? I'm still trying to figure out how he's situated, but it seems like he's lying horizontally? When I sleep at night, I've started to feel him creep up toward my ribs, but otherwise he stays low throughout the day. His kicks and punches are quite powerful these days, but it's reassuring to know that he's an active little guy in there!

This week baby's brain is growing and getting wrinklier, and he is busy putting on weight. He'll gain 1/2 lb per week from here on out! How wild is that? I'm just worried to see how much I'll gain each week from here on out, ha :)

How far along: 30 weeks

Baby's size: CUCUMBER (15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8lbs) 

Weight gain: 26 lbs 

Symptoms: I have to say, I'm feeling better this week than I did last week. That Tdap vaccine really did a number on me and made me nauseous for a few days... thankfully, I'm feeling much better now! Albeit I'm getting bigger, achy and tired, I feel pretty darn good. I do notice that I get a bit out of breath on my walks (or going up stairs) and I have more indigestion (sensitive tummy), so I just need to be more conscious of what doesn't sit well with me.

Pregnancy perks: Knowing that the end is in sight... 2 months to go! I can do this!

Things I miss: Sleep (I have a feeling this will be constant theme for the next few years) but I've forgotten what it feels like to sleep through the night. In between pee breaks and shifting around to get comfortable, a solid night of sleep is a thing of the past.

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: I've been really into avocados this week (sooo good!) and I've been craving salad, ha! I also can't get enough Reese's peanut butter cups. YUM. And of course, carbs, carbs, carbs.

Labor Signs: Nothing yet!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

My Hips Don't Lie: Week 29

29 weeks, here we go!

T-minus 71 days until our due date. Woohoo! Let the countdown begin :)

Let's see, what did we do this week...

I had a maternity massage last weekend at Kohler Waters Spa in Burr Ridge, and it was pretty darn amazing... I don't know if you've ever been to the original Kohler Waters Spa at the American Club in Kohler, Wisconsin, but THAT is the place to go. The sister spa in Burr Ridge was very nice, too, but it's got nothing on the original! We went to the original Kohler spa for our mini moon after we got married and it was AMAZING! (but super pricey!). I can't wait to go back there, hopefully someday soon :)

Anywho, my maternity massage was wonderful, except for one tiny fact... my masseuse did NOT stop talking for the entire 80 minute massage!? Now, I don't know about you, but when I get a massage it's a splurge, and I want absolute relaxation (i.e. no talking! just shut up and rub me!). SO, this lady was very nice, but she wanted to tell me all about her birth and how she became a mother... and how challenging and difficult it was... and how I'll never sleep again and my boobs will be really saggy and I'll lose all my friends... Way to help a pregnant lady relax! HA. I tried to tune her out and the massage felt great, but really... COME ON.

But, she did say that the baby is nestled right in my hips and I had a ton of tension there... which makes sense, given all the hip pain I've had, especially when I sleep, so it felt great to get some of that worked out. Now, if only I could afford to have a massage every week... preferably one without talking :)

In other news, since we're in the third trimester, I have a doctor's appointment every 2 weeks. I had my appointment on Tuesday, and the doc said all looks great! I passed my Glucose test (yay!) and baby boy has a strong heartbeat and is growing right on schedule. I had to get my Tdap vaccine (protects against tetanus, diptheria and whooping cough) and I forgot how sore that makes your arm! Ouch! My arm still hurts...

I've been feeling a little off since then (tired, achy, nauseous) which are some side effects (oh joy!) from the vaccine. At least I'm done with that!

AND, we had another child care class this week: Childcare 101! I really enjoy the classes and find it reassuring to be around other couples who are expecting their first baby. It's a helpful refresher to go through the basics and be able to ask questions. One woman raised her hand and said she's never been around a newborn before in her life... so that made me feel good... at least we're not the most clueless people there. Ha!

29 weeks!

Baby boy is growing! He's had a growth spurt and is up to 2.5 - 3.8lbs this week. It's crazy to think that he'll double (maybe even triple) in weight before he's born! This week he is busy putting on more fat and hiccuping... a lot... it's fun to feel my belly vibrate :)

How far along: 29 weeks

Baby's size: Acorn Squash (15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8lbs) 

Weight gain: 24 lbs 

Symptoms: Tired. I could probably take a nap everyday... my belly is getting heavier and the baby is putting more pressure on my bladder, which means I pee about 50 times a day. I think I'm carrying him really low, as he hasn't been up near my rib cage (thank goodness!), but my lower back and hips have been a bit achy. Overall, I feel good! Sleep is probably my biggest complaint... hello, sleepless nights!

Pregnancy perks: We were out and about this past weekend and I had a handful of people tell me they couldn't believe I was 29 weeks pregnant... SO, that's always nice to hear, especially when I'm feeling large and in charge! AND, I got a size C bra this weekend. Woohoo! Gotta enjoy these babies while they're here :) 

Things I miss: Sleeping, wine, fitting into my clothes. 

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: Frozen yogurt (could eat this every day!), Chocolate Peanut Butter ice cream (from Oberweis! is the best), turkey burgers and CARBS. 

Labor Signs: Nothing yet!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Third Trimester, Let's Go!: Week 28

Hello, third trimester! I am SO happy to see you :)

Only 11 weeks to go until we can meet our little man. YAY!

I have to admit, I have been having some anxiety about his birth and about being a mom lately. Will I know what to do? Will I know how to nurse him and hold him? Will I be a good mom? How much is our life going to change? Will I ever sleep again...

I'm trying not to focus on all of that... as I know every new mom goes through something similar... but I'm such a planner and I want to be prepared for when he arrives and what I need to do. I just hope it all comes naturally :) And, in the meantime, I'm trying my best to relax. It will all work out.

Otherwise, we have been busy busy getting ready for our little boy. And yet, we still have SO much to do! We pulled the trigger and we bought a new car this weekend, so we have one less thing to worry about.

Say hello to Albie, our new Acura RDX (it's short for Albert).

Our new car!

Isn't he sharp?

After 4+ hours of negotiation at the dealership, we finally made a deal! Woohoo. And, we felt like we did a pretty good job. We went through the Costco Auto Program (they already pre-negotiate a low rate with certain dealers) and we negotiated an even LOWER rate... we don't know if the Finance Manager was just blowing smoke, or what, but he told us we got the best deal they've ever given on an RDX. He said if he would have known about it before the Sales Manager gave it to us, he wouldn't have approved it. HA. So, that made us feel pretty darn good :) We love a good deal.

Now that we bought the car, we can turn our focus back to the nursery and getting our house in order! 

I've still been feeling good overall. I've been tired, but we've been really busy. I feel like our weekends have been non-stop, so it's not wonder I'm pooped! And, here's the latest bump pic.

28 weeks!

Baby boy is growing! This week his lungs are more mature, so he's practicing breathing, hiccuping, coughing... he's also now blinking and dreaming in REM sleep. How cool is that? What are you dreaming about, little dude? And, he's putting on FAT. He's already pretty long, so now he just needs to bulk up before his arrival.

How far along: 28 weeks

Baby's size: EGGPLANT (13.6 - 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5lbs) 

Weight gain: 23 lbs 

Symptoms: I've been tired, but otherwise I'm still feeling good overall. I haven't been swollen (knock on wood) or had too many aches and pains (beyond my hips when I'm sleeping). I've still been really active and walk 5 miles 3-4 times a week, so although I'm getting bigger, I'm still getting around pretty good. Let's hope this continues!

Pregnancy perks: Being in the THIRD TRIMESTER is pretty awesome! Knowing that the baby is basically fully developed and just needs some finishing touches, also makes me feel good.

Things I miss: I've been doing pretty good about keeping it in check. Although walking by all the patios on my walk home from work and seeing all the people enjoying their favorite beverages makes me jealous. Less than 3 months to go!

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: I haven't had any major cravings this week... if I see something and it sounds good, I want it. Sweets and chocolate are always at the top of my list. Ice cream. Carbs. You name it, I'll eat it. I definitely have a hearty appetite these days!

Labor Signs: None yet! I haven't felt any Braxton Hicks contractions or anything yet. 

Keep on keeping on, baby boy! We love you.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Pregnancy Brain: Week 27

And, this is the LAST week of the second trimester! 84 days and counting. YAY!

We had our 28 week appointment today (we're technically 27 weeks and 6 days, so this post still counts for 27 weeks!) and the doctor said everything looks great! Baby boy is growing right on schedule and he's got a strong and healthy heartbeat of 130 bpm.

I had my glucose test today, which means I had to chug a sugary orange drink (think super sweet gatorade) and then had to wait an hour so they could test my blood to see how my body processes sugar, to see if I'm at risk for gestational diabetes. I've been feeling great and am not swollen, so *fingers crossed* hopefully that means all is well and my results come back normal. I would die (okay, exaggeration) if I had to give up sugar right now. I. LOVE. SWEETS. 

Otherwise, all is good in baby land. We had our first child birth class last weekend and it was great! It was very informative without being too much (or too graphic with the actual birth details) and our teacher was really amazing. Now I feel like I have a better grasp of what to look for to know that I am actually in labor, because I mean, how do you really know? Do you just know? I don't know... and what to do when I think I'm in labor (call the emergency line at the doctor's office before going into the hospital) and what to expect for the actual labor and delivery.

I would like an epidural (give me the drugs!) and otherwise just want a normal, healthy and safe delivery. We'll see what our little guy has in mind when he's ready to arrive :)

In other news, time has been flying by... work has been busier for me and I feel like I haven't had as much time to prepare for the baby. I'm behind in reading my baby books and need to get caught up this weekend! MUST READ. We've also been in the throes of car shopping for a second car, and I forgot what an ordeal it is. We've visited 6+ dealerships over the past few weeks and hope to make our BIG decision this weekend.

We've come to the conclusion that we would like a nicer SUV (that works within our budget) and we've got our eye on the Acura RDX. We'll put our negotiating skills to the test this weekend to see if we can finally make a deal! Wish us luck!


27 weeks!

I got my hair cut, hence the straight hair in my pic this week. I wish I wasn't so lazy and would actually straighten my hair more, but it just takes too much time... and let's be honest... I just don't care that much about my hair to go to all the effort. HA! But, it was nice while it lasted, and now it's back to curly (until my next hair cut).

The bump is getting bigger...

How far along: 27 weeks

Baby's size: RUTABAGA (13.6 - 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5lbs) 

Weight gain: 22 lbs 

Symptoms: I've been feeling good this week. This wacky weather has been putting my allergies into overdrive, so I've been really congested... and I get out of breath easier, but otherwise good. Oh, and I have had MAJOR pregnancy brain. Ladies, it's real! I never lose anything... and I've been a hot mess lately... I lost my ID and my Fitbit (don't ask) over the past few weeks (both of which I actually just relocated on Tuesday! YAY!)

Pregnancy perks: Knowing I'm almost in the THIRD TRIMESTER feels pretty darn good.

Things I miss: Sushi! I've really been craving sushi lately... and WINE. Now that it's getting warmer outside, I would love to sit on a patio and enjoy a nice glass of Prosecco!

Food aversions: Same old, same old. Eggs, shrimp... some seafood (the smell).

Food cravings: Anything chocolate... chocolate and peanut butter. YUMMMM.  I could probably also eat Chipotle everyday of the week, but I don't want to turn into a beast... I'm trying my best to be healthy, but I do love my sweets!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Making Moves: Week 26

We're 26 weeks and 6 days! Only 13 weeks to go. WAHOOO!

Baby boy is growing, KICKING and flipping. He is definitely getting stronger as I've gotten a few swift kicks to my side and he's really starting to pack a punch. HA! He is an active little guy and I love feeling him move. I definitely feel him throughout the day, although he continues to love his nightime playtime... there's just something about the 3am hour that really gets him going. Hopefully this isn't a sign of his sleep patterns to come once he's born :)

Besides moving, baby boy opens his EYES this week! How cool is that!? There's not much to see in the womb, but the fact that he can open his eyes and take breaths of amniotic fluid is pretty cool... he's gearing up to live in the outside world and it makes me happy that he's one day closer to being able to do so!

In other news this week, we welcomed our new baby nephew, Emmett Mathew Bolt, on Friday, March 27th! He was a big baby, 9lbs 11oz, and is absolutely adorable. We love him SO much already!

Meeting Baby Emmett!

Visiting my sister-in-law, Val, and the baby in the hospital really hit home... it made me realize that that is going to be ME in a few short months.... EEEEK! I have been trying to put the whole labor and delivery process out of my mind, but being in the hospital, seeing Val in the hospital bed... it brought everything to reality real quick!

I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit freaked out about the labor. How does something so BIG, come out of something SO small!?! AH! Well, it happens, and millions of women have survived the process, so I know I will too. Somehow... 

Otherwise, we've just been busy busy getting ready for the baby.... registering, shopping, getting the house in order... We have our first birthing class this weekend, and I'm excited to get that under my belt. I just want to understand the process and I think it will help put my mind at ease (or at least I hope so!). Regardless, it will be good to be more educated on the process so we're prepared for our little guy to arrive!

26 weeks!

How far along: 26 weeks

Baby's size: Head of Lettuce! (13.6 - 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5lbs) 

Weight gain: 20 lbs 

Symptoms: Pretty much the same as last week... still feeling good overall! I have been tired and my back has been achy, but nothing too terrible. Oh, I haven't mentioned the CRAZY pregnancy dreams. Oh, wow! They are pretty wild... and it's getting harder to put on my shoes (that belly is growing!).

Pregnancy perks: Feeling the baby move is really a wonderful experience... it's like I have my little buddy with me at all times and we get to share this secret language of kicks and wiggles... it really is amazing to think a tiny little human is growing inside me!

Things I miss: Sleeping on my BACK! Sleeping in general... and being skinny! I am feeling more and more like a whale. Ha! I know, I know. I'm pregnant, but I was looking back at pictures to when I was 5-6 weeks pregnant and I was so small! I hope that I'll be able to get back to that someday :)

Food aversions: Eggs. Lukas made a breakfast sammy this morning and even the smell of them cooking makes me nauseous. 

Food cravings: I've been on a muffin kick. After my failed attempt at healthy pumpkin muffins last week, I made some (healthy) banana applesauce muffins this week, and they were really tasty! I'm still into fruits, yogurt smoothies, baked goods... anything carby and cheesy :) The usual.