Thursday, September 3, 2015

Adventures in Mommyhood

I've only been a mommy for a few short weeks so far, but here are a few things that I've learned along the way...

1. Snaps are the devil (buttons are even worse!)... bring on the zippers! Sleep deprivation + diaper changes = no fun at 2am when you have to snap snap snap...

2. It's all about the ONESIE. Honestly, you change so many diapers (and outfits) throughout the day, it becomes all about what's the easiest outfit to change, not what's cute... if I can't pull it over his head or easily get it on/off... it's not happening. Sorry cute little overalls and plaid button down, you require too much effort!

3. I've never washed my hands SO much in my life - maybe I didn't wash my hands enough before (gross, I know!) but I feel like I wash my hands 24/7 now that I have a baby. Change diaper. Wash hands. Feed baby. Wash hands. Eat. Wash hands. Repeat. Stock up on hand soap now!

4. I've never been SO excited about hearing a burp, fart or poop (or seeing a poopy diaper!)... but now the sound is music to my ears! Ha :) As I know little Tasso T will feel so much better afterwards... we even developed a song (and maybe a little dance) we sing to him... "Push it out, push it out. Push... it... out! Push it out, push it out.!"

5. Speaking of songs... I've made up the stupidest songs that I sing to Tasso all the time... "Tasso, Tasso Man... I want to be a Tasso Man!" to the tune of "Macho Man"... is just one of the many we have in our repertoire... for some reason, everything just becomes a song? I guess there's just something about singing to the baby that he seems to like (even in my tone deaf voice!)

6. Breastfeeding makes you so THIRSTY (and hungry!) all of the time! I have to keep a water bottle nearby at all times, or else...

7. Speaking of breastfeeding, there are so many things to say... but I would invest in a handful of good/comfortable nursing bras. If you're anything like me, you'll leak all over one or get covered in spit up and need to change throughout the day... so definitely have an extra on hand! It's SO necessary. And, nursing pads for your bra. Get LOTS of nursing pads. I think I go through like a box a week...

8. I've never been so comfortable going out in public looking like a hot mess. Makeup? Yeah right! As long as I have clothes on that aren't covered in spit up (or poop or pee), we're good!

9. Dressing has become all about comfort (and ease of breastfeeding) these days... if I can't easily pull my shirt/dress up or down, forget about it! My new daily uniform consists of workout pants/shorts, t-shirt and hair in a messy bun. Honestly, I'm not really mad about it... HA! I don't even want to think about getting dressed in "real" clothes every day...

10. And showers, I used to take showers for granted... now, it's a celebration if I get to take a shower each day... and washing my hair and shaving my legs... now that only happens for special occasions!

Welcome to mommyhood :)

But, I wouldn't change a thing (well, the sleep, I would definitely like more sleep...). But, I love my messy new life because now I have YOU!

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