Thursday, August 20, 2015

Month One: Tasso Thomas, Our Little Eating Machine

I can't believe our baby boy is ONE month old!?!

Such a big boy!
That face!
Honestly, where did the time go? I know everyone tells you that time goes by fast, but man, does it go by quick!

I've been trying to write this post for the past week or so, but, as I've learned, trying to get a solid chunk of time to doing anything these days is nearly impossible! Let's just say that the past few weeks have been a bit of a blur as days blend together... and nights blend into days, considering I'm up around the clock! The term "time" has lost a bit of it's meaning on me, since 3am or 3pm, it's Tasso time! Needless to say, we've been busy adjusting to life with our little Tasso bean, and we just love him so :)

Every day has been a new adventure, and I've been learning and adapting to life as a mommy. It's been completely amazing and utterly exhausting (in the best possible way)! I have SO much to say... but I'll save that for another post.

Tasso T, I just love being your mommy! You are the sweetest little love bug, I (we) love you SO much and we can't imagine our lives with you. You are such a content, mellow little baby and I could literally stare at your sweet little face all day... and sometimes I do... as I can't believe that you're ours... that we created you. You're our sweet little angel and you make us SO incredibly happy :)

That face...
Our beautiful boy
Not to say that you haven't given us a run for our money... those sleepless nights sure do take a toll! You were giving us a good 4-5 hour stretch of sleep at night, which was amazing, but once you hit 4 weeks, you reverted back to waking up every 2-3 hours (or more) to eat. You hungry little man! You're like clockwork and eat basically every 2 hours during the day, you're quite predictable, which I appreciate :)

Mommy is a bit "type A" and likes routines and planning and scheduling and getting things accomplished... and having YOU has really me realize that's not quite possible now. Ha! I'm on YOUR schedule now. We are both adjusting to our new life together, and we are settling into our own little routine. I love spending my days with you and watching you grow... it's pretty amazing to see how much you've already changed in a few short weeks.

I could gush and gush about how much we love you... but I wanted to share a quick recap of your first month of life.

As I look back to recount what we've done the past few weeks, I have to say, we haven't done a whole lot! There have been lots of snuggle sessions and spending time at home, visits from family and friends, long walks in the stroller, dinner outings and a few shopping trips! I don't know where the the time has gone, as this month has flown by in the blink of an eye.

Here are a few pics of life over the past few weeks ...

Snuggle time with mommy
Daddy/Tasso time
Snoozin' in your swing
Passed out in the car seat. Those cheeks!
Visits with Mimi and poppy!
Cousin Blake loves you!
So adorable! You and cousin Brayden. 
YiaYia and her Tasso!
Aunt K holding you for the first time. So in love!

  • EATING! You're a non-stop eating machine :) I think you would eat 24/7 if I let you, our little chunky monkey.
  • Naps with Daddy... especially when you snuggle down into the horizontal stomach position, it's so precious :)
  • Your changing table... you love to be on your changing table! Maybe it's the fact that you're SO happy after you take a poop (and you poop about 20 times a day!) or that you love being sans diaper, but we love to talk to you and make faces while we change you, and you love laying there looking up at us... it's so sweet! 
  • Bathtime (Daddy says, he's not sure if Tasso or mommy likes bathtime more, ha!) but you love sitting in your little tub as we wash you. Who wouldn't love it!?
  • Stroller rides with Mommy... you love to be in your stroller (when it's moving!) and you fall asleep almost instantly when we go for our daily walks. 
Your favorite position

So sweet...
You were so alert, right from birth
Pooh bear after bath time!

  • Falling asleep... it's like a battle sometimes to get you to go down for a nap... you fight sleep and try and keep those eyes open as long as possible... but when you finally go down, you sleep pretty well :)
  • Tummy time - you don't really like being on your tummy yet, but I think that's pretty common at this stage. You're getting so good at lifting that big noggin' of yours, though!
  • Being swaddled with your arms in... you love to flail those long arms, and you don't like being constricted when you sleep, so we moved to the sleep sack right away and that seems to work
  • Warm weather. You're not a fan of this heat, especially when you're stuck in your car seat! But, who would blame you? I don't like it either!
Swing snoozin'
Sleeping in your rock n' play
Nicknames: Tasso T, Tasso Bean, Taco (my family loves to call you this!), Muffin Man

Hair: Auburn (you've starting losing your hair on top, you're our little balding baby!)

Eyes: Bluish gray


  • Birth: 8lbs 4oz
  • 1 week: 9lbs
  • 1 month (5 weeks): 12lbs 11oz

  • Birth: 20 1/4" (they told us you were 22 inches, which was false, as your official "record of birth" states otherwise!)
  • 1 week: 21 1/4"
  • 1 month (5 weeks): 23 1/4" inches
  • Birth: 34.5 cm
  • 1 week: 37 cm
  • 1 month (5 weeks): 39 cm

Eating: every 2-3 hours (or less) during the day, every 2-5 hours during the night

Sleep: you were giving us one 4-5 hour stretch at night for a few weeks, but as you've gotten older, that has turned back to 2-3 hours

As you can see, you've been growing like a weed! Slow down, buddy. You were only able to wear your newborn clothes for a week or 2, and I was sad when I had to put them away... you're not my tiny baby anymore! But, I'm so so happy that you're thriving and such a happy and healthy little guy. You make mommy and daddy so proud, Tasso! We can't wait to see what the next month has in store for us :)

And, here are a few more pics...

Car ride home from the hospital
Sleeping in mommy's arms. So tiny!
Snoozin' in the stroller 
Snuggles with Mommy
Cuddlin' with Daddy
Our first dinner out at Gibson's to celebrate YiaYia's birthday!
Okay, I could go on and on, but I'll stop here :)

Cheers to your first month of life, Tasso Thomas! You bring us such joy. We love you!

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