A few things I've discovered this week:
1.) My baby bump looks much bigger when I wear a dress (hence look at my pics from week 14 to week 15)
2.) Auntie Anne's pretzels are the most delicious thing. EVER.
3.) It feels really great to share our news with the world that we're expecting!
We made our official announcement on Facebook this weekend :)
4.) I wore maternity pants for the first time this week, and let me tell you, they are AMAZING!
5.) Bagels and cream cheese. WOW. Just, wow.
Okay... so to dive right in, this is a continuation of my post from last week. I had quite a traumatic OB appointment last week and it took me a few days to recover. The appointment was going fine and then the nurse went to listen for the baby's heartbeat, and she couldn't find it.
It was taking a few minutes and I could tell she was having a hard time... then she told me not to worry, sometimes you can't always hear the heartbeat with that device. Still, that didn't put my fears at ease. Then, she stepped out and got another device, like a mini ultrasound gadget, and after a few minutes of trying, she STILL couldn't find the heartbeat... I was getting increasingly worried. She told me that we should be able to hear the heartbeat at this stage, and that she couldn't get the fetal heartbeat. She said she didn't want to say anything definitively yet, and we would get a doctor to do an ultrasound.
At this point, I was panicked. OMG, OMG... we lost the baby... how did this happen... OMG. Of course, your mind goes to the worst place... why was this happening? The baby was perfectly healthy at our last appointment. What was going on?
After a few excruciating minutes, the doctor came in to do the ultrasound, and within seconds... there he was on the screen, moving around, heart pumping, perfectly fine! Thank. GOD. Of course, I burst into tears the second I saw him... what a relief. He was okay! The baby was ok!
The baby was still low and the damn nurse was listening to the heartbeat too high. If she had honestly looked about an inch lower on my abdomen, we could have avoided this whole miserable situation. Good, gravy! What a stressful situation. I hope that no one, ever has to go through that... it is absolutely the WORST feeling. EVER.
How far along: 16 weeks
Baby's size: Avocado (4.6 inches and 3.5 ounces)
Weight gain: 5 lbs
Symptoms: I feel good. Nothing really to complain about... except some breakouts. Sometimes I feel like I'm in high school again (thank you, hormones!) Otherwise, sleep is really my only issue.
Pregnancy perks: Telling the world that we're expecting and feeling all the LOVE. It feels so great to share this news. It feels like it's been such a journey for us to get here, and it feel SO SO good to finally be here!
Things I miss: Wine. Sushi. The forbidden foods...
Food aversions: Pretty much just eggs now. And some meats.
Food cravings: I'm still digging fruit flavored things. I'm really into fruit smoothies right now. Anything cheesy and carbo loaded... mac n' cheese, pizza, bagels... all that good stuff :)
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