Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hello, 2nd Trimester: Week 14

2nd trimester, here we come! 14 weeks and counting.

Baby boy is doing good and mom is hungry! My appetite is finally back and I've been making up for lost time. I rediscovered Cheetos (the baked version), and oh, my, are they delicious! I could take down a whole bag in one sitting... but I'm trying to be healthy :)

I can't wait until our next appointment when we can see how big baby boy has grown! I'm dying to know.

Otherwise, I feel good. My energy is coming back, I'm feeling more like myself again. I'm starting to gain weight and have my little baby belly. Life is good!

I told my boss that we were expecting and he was really happy for us. He knew we were going through fertility treatment so it was that much more special. I still need to figure out maternity leave and my work schedule post-baby, so that's on my list!

I haven't officially announced that I'm pregnant yet... to my office... or the world... but all of our friends and family know. I'm trying to think of a cute pregnancy announcement for Facebook. We'll see what I can come up with.

Our baby boy is growing like crazy! He is now the size of a LEMON! 3.4 inches long and 1.5 ounces (he's almost doubled in weight since last week!).

14 weeks!

How far along: 14 weeks

Baby's size: Lemon

Weight gain: 3.5 pounds 

Symptoms: I feel good. I really can't complain. I'm happy my appetite is back and I can eat again :)

Pregnancy perks: Knowing that we're in the 2nd trimester and we're THAT much closer to meeting our little baby boy!

Food aversions: Pretty much just eggs now. And some meats.

Food cravings: No other real cravings yet... I see something and it sounds good (like Cheetos) but I haven't really CRAVED anything (besides OJ).

Keep on keeping on baby! We love you!

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