Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Feed Me, I'm Starving: Week 17

And... the theme for this week is FOOD. I am HUNGRY. And eating has become my new favorite activity.

I actually enjoy going to the grocery store now... I go down the aisles and I see foods that just jump out at me... things I would never buy normally... pop tarts... fruit loops... Ben and Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup... Yes, please! (And, don't worry, I buy plenty of other healthy foods... our cart is pack to the brim with fruits and veggies and all that good stuff) But hey, a pregnant girl's gotta splurge.


Otherwise, I don't have anything too exciting to share. Baby boy is growing and I'm counting down the days until our 20 week ultrasound. I can't wait to see his sweet face again! It's really hard not having regular ultrasounds. How do I know what he's doing in there?

I also can't wait until I feel him kick. That hasn't happened yet. I've read you can start to feel the baby move anytime after 16 weeks, but it usually doesn't happen until 18-22 weeks. SO, we'll see.

Otherwise, life is good. Lukas and I are trying to soak up our days just "the two of us" enjoying spending time together, going out to dinner and seeing movies, as we know that won't be as easy when our little man arrives. We're also trying to figure out what to do with our living situation...

To sell our house, or not. We were planning to put our house on the market next month, so we could sell our house and buy a a new house before the baby arrives... but now we're having second thoughts. Or, I should say, Lukas is having second thoughts. I still want to move. I love our cute little house, but I want more space (and another bathroom!)! And, I know we're going to outgrow this place in the next year or 2, so, moving is inevitable. Regardless, we will need to make a decision soon.

In other news, our little man is 17 weeks (and 4 days) to be exact! YAY! I hope the weeks continue to fly by as I can't wait for him to arrive :)

17 weeks!

How far along: 17 weeks

Baby's size: ONION (5.1 inches and 5.9 ounces)

Weight gain: 6-7ish lbs

Symptoms: Still feeling good! 

Pregnancy perks: FOOD :) Yummmmm... is it time for a snack, yet?

Things I miss: Wine. Sushi. The forbidden foods...

Food aversions: Meats still gross me out sometimes, but I've always been weird about meat. Eggs.

Food cravings: I've been really into bagels and cream cheese this week. Carbs. And, fruit.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Maternity Pants: Week 16

And, we are 16 weeks! Sweet baby boy is 4 months along and counting.

A few things I've discovered this week:

1.) My baby bump looks much bigger when I wear a dress (hence look at my pics from week 14 to week 15)

2.) Auntie Anne's pretzels are the most delicious thing. EVER.

3.) It feels really great to share our news with the world that we're expecting!

We made our official announcement on Facebook this weekend :)

4.) I wore maternity pants for the first time this week, and let me tell you, they are AMAZING!

5.) Bagels and cream cheese. WOW. Just, wow.

Okay... so to dive right in, this is a continuation of my post from last week. I had quite a traumatic OB appointment last week and it took me a few days to recover. The appointment was going fine and then the nurse went to listen for the baby's heartbeat, and she couldn't find it.

It was taking a few minutes and I could tell she was having a hard time... then she told me not to worry, sometimes you can't always hear the heartbeat with that device. Still, that didn't put my fears at ease. Then, she stepped out and got another device, like a mini ultrasound gadget, and after a few minutes of trying, she STILL couldn't find the heartbeat... I was getting increasingly worried. She told me that we should be able to hear the heartbeat at this stage, and that she couldn't get the fetal heartbeat. She said she didn't want to say anything definitively yet, and we would get a doctor to do an ultrasound.

At this point, I was panicked. OMG, OMG... we lost the baby... how did this happen... OMG. Of course, your mind goes to the worst place... why was this happening? The baby was perfectly healthy at our last appointment. What was going on?

After a few excruciating minutes, the doctor came in to do the ultrasound, and within seconds... there he was on the screen, moving around, heart pumping, perfectly fine! Thank. GOD. Of course, I burst into tears the second I saw him... what a relief. He was okay! The baby was ok!

The baby was still low and the damn nurse was listening to the heartbeat too high. If she had honestly looked about an inch lower on my abdomen, we could have avoided this whole miserable situation. Good, gravy! What a stressful situation. I hope that no one, ever has to go through that... it is absolutely the WORST feeling. EVER.

On a lighter note, baby boy is doing great, and growing!

16 weeks!

How far along: 16 weeks

Baby's size: Avocado (4.6 inches and 3.5 ounces)

Weight gain: lbs

Symptoms: I feel good. Nothing really to complain about... except some breakouts. Sometimes I feel like I'm in high school again (thank you, hormones!) Otherwise, sleep is really my only issue.

Pregnancy perks: Telling the world that we're expecting and feeling all the LOVE. It feels so great to share this news. It feels like it's been such a journey for us to get here, and it feel SO SO good to finally be here!

Things I miss: Wine. Sushi. The forbidden foods...

Food aversions: Pretty much just eggs now. And some meats.

Food cravings: I'm still digging fruit flavored things. I'm really into fruit smoothies right now. Anything cheesy and carbo loaded... mac n' cheese, pizza, bagels... all that good stuff :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Orange is the new Black: Week 15

Baby boy is 15 weeks and counting! Each week becomes that much sweeter. One day closer to his arrival :)

I feel good and I've heard this is the "honeymoon" period of pregnancy. Some days I forget I'm even pregnant, until I go to sleep... and then I remember. The only issue I'm having is sleep, but it's getting better. I'm still getting used to only sleeping on my side and I can't always get comfortable, so I feel like I toss and turn. But, hey, it could be worse.

Otherwise, not much new to report. We still haven't made our official pregnancy announcement yet. I think we will this weekend. We're 16 weeks on Friday, so I think we'll announce after that landmark.

We have our next OB appointment today, and I'm anxious and excited. It's been really hard not going to the doctor each week. I just want to know that baby is doing okay and he is healthy. At my last fertility appointment, my doctor did tell me that I have a low lying placenta. He said it wasn't anything to worry about, but to let me OB know... so I'm curious what they'll say?

Fingers crossed everything is okay and normal and baby boy is healthy!

15 weeks!

How far along: 15 weeks

Baby's size: Orange (4.0 inches and 2.5 ounces)

Weight gain: 4 lbs

Symptoms: I'm feeling good! Sleep is really my only issue.

Pregnancy perks: FOOD! Going grocery shopping has taken on a whole new meaning now... I walk down the aisle and so many foods just sound good. Like, Fruit Loops. When is the last time you've eaten Fruit Loops? For me, it's probably been years. But, let me tell you, they're delicious (and they're a great source of fiber). It's been funny seeing what sounds good to me now, but I've been really into eating. 

Things I miss: This is probably the first week where I've started to miss some things... when we were out to dinner this weekend, I really missed having a cocktail or a glass of wine. Only 24 more weeks to go... and I miss eating sandwiches, like the Beach Club from Jimmy Johns. 

Food aversions: Pretty much just eggs now. And some meats.

Food cravings: I don't know if I would call them cravings, but I've been really into dried fruits, fruit in general, Fruit Loops, Jolly Ranchers or anything that takes fruit like... like Starburst.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hello, 2nd Trimester: Week 14

2nd trimester, here we come! 14 weeks and counting.

Baby boy is doing good and mom is hungry! My appetite is finally back and I've been making up for lost time. I rediscovered Cheetos (the baked version), and oh, my, are they delicious! I could take down a whole bag in one sitting... but I'm trying to be healthy :)

I can't wait until our next appointment when we can see how big baby boy has grown! I'm dying to know.

Otherwise, I feel good. My energy is coming back, I'm feeling more like myself again. I'm starting to gain weight and have my little baby belly. Life is good!

I told my boss that we were expecting and he was really happy for us. He knew we were going through fertility treatment so it was that much more special. I still need to figure out maternity leave and my work schedule post-baby, so that's on my list!

I haven't officially announced that I'm pregnant yet... to my office... or the world... but all of our friends and family know. I'm trying to think of a cute pregnancy announcement for Facebook. We'll see what I can come up with.

Our baby boy is growing like crazy! He is now the size of a LEMON! 3.4 inches long and 1.5 ounces (he's almost doubled in weight since last week!).

14 weeks!

How far along: 14 weeks

Baby's size: Lemon

Weight gain: 3.5 pounds 

Symptoms: I feel good. I really can't complain. I'm happy my appetite is back and I can eat again :)

Pregnancy perks: Knowing that we're in the 2nd trimester and we're THAT much closer to meeting our little baby boy!

Food aversions: Pretty much just eggs now. And some meats.

Food cravings: No other real cravings yet... I see something and it sounds good (like Cheetos) but I haven't really CRAVED anything (besides OJ).

Keep on keeping on baby! We love you!

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year: Week 13

We're 13 weeks going on 14! The end of the first trimester is coming to a close, and let me tell you, I am SO relieved! Whew!

It's pretty wild to think that we're 1/3 of the way done with the pregnancy. WOW! I hope the rest of the pregnancy continues as smoothly :) My baby bump is growing!

13 weeks!

It has been an exciting holiday season, celebrating with a bun in the oven. We have more to celebrate as we got the results of our genetic tests and everything came back normal/low risk! Woohoo! Cheers to a happy and healthy 2015!

AND, we get to find out the gender of the baby! The new genetic tests are so advanced that you can find out the gender of the baby through the blood work anytime after 11 weeks. WILD! The doctor called yesterday with the results... but we wanted to hold out and have them mail them to us, so we could do some type of gender reveal. Now, I'm DYING to know! Is it a BOY or a GIRL!?!

It took all my will power not to call them back right away... and of course, this morning, I called them the moment I woke up. We can't hold out any longer! I'm waiting for them to call me back as we speak... what will it be!?

It's a BOY!

We're having a sweet baby BOY!!! It still hasn't fully sunk in yet... but we are SO excited :) I had a feeling it was a boy, call it mother's intuition.

Our baby boy is growing like crazy! He is now the size of a PEACH! 2.9 inches long and .81 ounces. Grow baby, grow!

How far along: 13 weeks

Baby's size: Peach

Weight gain: 2 pounds 

Symptoms: I'm feeling good! The only thing is sleeping has been somewhat hard... I'm not used to sleeping on my side and my hips have been hurting, but otherwise, I feel good. 

Pregnancy perks: Finding out the NEWS that we're having a BABY BOY!

Food aversions: Chicken and eggs (although I can eat chicken if it's in something).

Food cravings: Orange juice. Need a glass when I wake up every morning. 

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Bring on 2015! We can't wait for Baby Boy Yant to arrive :)