Sunday, September 20, 2015

Month Two: Grunts McGee

And, just like that, Tasso is TWO months old! Jesh... stop growing up little man!

These past few weeks have been a bit more "memorable" because I haven't been in as much of a sleep haze as the first few weeks, thankfully, but they've still flown by in the blink of an eye.

2 months old!
Hanging by teddy
Rolls on rolls... not amused by mamarazzi
Tasso Thomas, you are seriously the CUTEST little baby ever. EVER! I know I'm biased because I'm your mommy... but that face... ah! It just melts my heart :) You are such a sweet baby. And, you've been making mommy and daddy's journey into parenthood pretty darn easy!

You have started getting more of a personality these past few weeks, and it's so much fun to watch you observe and grow each day. You are quite inquisitive and alert (you've been such an alert baby since day 1)! You like to look at your surroundings and take everything in... you especially love staring at ceiling fans, people's faces and your new mobile in your crib.

Sweetest little face :)
You love your activity mat
Mesmerized by your new mobile!
You are also very NOISY! Ha. You make so many sounds. As soon as you turned 4 weeks old, you started grunting. All of the time! Grunt, grunt, grunt. Happy grunts, hungry grunts, sleepy grunts... it is pretty darn cute :)  Those grunts have subsided into coos and you've been "talking" up a storm! We just love listening to you! And, we love to "talk" back to you... we have our own little conversation of "ohhs" and "ahhs" all day long.

And, you are such an active little guy.... ALL the time! When you dream... you flail your arms around and kick your legs and move your head back and forth... when we hold you, you like to squirm, squirm, squirm... when you lay on your back, you like to kick those little legs of yours... I can just tell that you want to move, move, move... and I get a glimpse of what my future has in store... ha :)

You also try to stand up when we hold you and launch off us... you are SO strong, it's unbelieveable that you're only 2 months old! You also like to roll onto your side or kick your legs up in the air, so I have a feeling you'll be rolling over soon! Watch out :)


  • Smiling - this happened around 4 weeks, and you're such a smiley little guy. We just love it when you smile (and when you smile in your sleep!)
  • Cooing - you found your voice and you love to talk, talk, talk! It the sweetest little sound. EVER!
  • Holding your head up (you've had pretty good head control for a while now) but you're pretty darn good and holding up that melon of yours
We had our first trip back to Madison

You had your 40-day blessing at church

We spent our first overnight in the city for mommy and daddy's 3rd anniversary celebration

  • Eating (duh!) just take a look at those rolls... 
  • Looking around "observing" everything - you especially love looking at ceiling fans, your new mobile and people's faces
  • Smiling and making faces - you have the sweetest little smile EVER! and you love to smile at daddy and mommy!
  • Your bouncer - you moved on from your swing and you really like lounging and snoozing in your little bouncer
Sweetest smile!
    I love all your little faces!
Snoozin' in your bouncer
Little lamb!

  • Sleeping in your crib (for more than 45 minutes) we're working on this one and hopefully you'll be snoozing in there in no time!
  • Taking naps... you especially don't like to nap around other people as you're afraid you're going to miss you (what people like to call FOMO)
  • Tummy time... you're still not the biggest fan of being on your belly for long periods of time, but you're getting really good at lifting
Hair: You lost your baby hair on top and your "new" hair is growing in... it's definitely darker and looks brown. We'll see what the final color will be :) 

Eyes: Your eyes are really dark, they look like they're bluish-brown, but I think they're turning brown.


  • Birth: 8lbs 4oz
  • 1 week: 9lbs
  • 1 month (5 weeks): 12lbs 11oz
  • 2 months (9 weeks): 15lbs 1oz
  • Birth: 20 1/4" (they told us you were 22 inches, which was false, as your official "record of birth" states otherwise!)
  • 1 week: 21 1/4"
  • 1 month (5 weeks): 23 1/4" 
  • 2 months (9 weeks): 24 1/2"
  • Birth: 34.5 cm
  • 1 week: 37 cm
  • 1 month (5 weeks): 39 cm
  • 2 months (9 weeks) 41 cm
You're in the 92% for weight, 95% for height and 91% for your head. Our big, healthy boy!

Eating: you still eat every 2-3 hours during the day (sometimes more) and 4-6 hours at night. Bottom line, you just love to eat! We introduced a bottle around 4-5 weeks and you took it like a champ. We need to get better about feeding you a bottle more regularly (mommy hates the process of pumping, so we don't do it as often as we should...) but you drink about 2-3.5 oz when you do.

Sleep: you've gotten on a pretty good sleep routine of one stretch of 4.5 -6 hours and then another 3 hour stretch. You generally go to sleep between 7:30-8:30pm and you wake up for the day between 6:30-7:30am. The amount of time you sleep in between varies, but we're working on sleeping for longer periods of time (hopefully soon!). You still sleep in our room in your rock 'n play at night, but you either sleep in your crib or in your bouncer (or stroller or car seat) for naps. You still take quite a few "cat" naps during the day... usually 2 naps in the morning about 45 minutes to an hour each and 2 naps in the afternoon before bed... you usually don't sleep for more than 45 minutes to an hour (sometimes you'll do a longer stretch here and there) or stay awake longer than 2-3 hours at a time. We're working on transitioning you into your crib, so that's a work in progress!

Overall, you are such a happy, mellow little man. You are SO good around company and you are very mild mannered. The only time you get upset and/or cranky is when you get overtired and/or we don't feed you fast enough (just like daddy!). You have found your little voice though, so we hear your little "wahh" from time to time, but you make the cutest little cry face! Fortunately, we don't see it too often. You are such a joy and we just love you to pieces!

Here are a few pics of life lately...

Mom and dad's 3 year anniversary dinner!
Our sweet little fam 
Your 40 day blessing celebration with Papa Tom!
Your first trip to the city at the Lincoln Park Zoo
Mommy and Tasso
Daddy and Tasso
Look at those chins!
Little Tass-o-saurus Rex!
We love you SO much our little Tasso bean! Life with you just keeps getting better and better!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Adventures in Mommyhood

I've only been a mommy for a few short weeks so far, but here are a few things that I've learned along the way...

1. Snaps are the devil (buttons are even worse!)... bring on the zippers! Sleep deprivation + diaper changes = no fun at 2am when you have to snap snap snap...

2. It's all about the ONESIE. Honestly, you change so many diapers (and outfits) throughout the day, it becomes all about what's the easiest outfit to change, not what's cute... if I can't pull it over his head or easily get it on/off... it's not happening. Sorry cute little overalls and plaid button down, you require too much effort!

3. I've never washed my hands SO much in my life - maybe I didn't wash my hands enough before (gross, I know!) but I feel like I wash my hands 24/7 now that I have a baby. Change diaper. Wash hands. Feed baby. Wash hands. Eat. Wash hands. Repeat. Stock up on hand soap now!

4. I've never been SO excited about hearing a burp, fart or poop (or seeing a poopy diaper!)... but now the sound is music to my ears! Ha :) As I know little Tasso T will feel so much better afterwards... we even developed a song (and maybe a little dance) we sing to him... "Push it out, push it out. Push... it... out! Push it out, push it out.!"

5. Speaking of songs... I've made up the stupidest songs that I sing to Tasso all the time... "Tasso, Tasso Man... I want to be a Tasso Man!" to the tune of "Macho Man"... is just one of the many we have in our repertoire... for some reason, everything just becomes a song? I guess there's just something about singing to the baby that he seems to like (even in my tone deaf voice!)

6. Breastfeeding makes you so THIRSTY (and hungry!) all of the time! I have to keep a water bottle nearby at all times, or else...

7. Speaking of breastfeeding, there are so many things to say... but I would invest in a handful of good/comfortable nursing bras. If you're anything like me, you'll leak all over one or get covered in spit up and need to change throughout the day... so definitely have an extra on hand! It's SO necessary. And, nursing pads for your bra. Get LOTS of nursing pads. I think I go through like a box a week...

8. I've never been so comfortable going out in public looking like a hot mess. Makeup? Yeah right! As long as I have clothes on that aren't covered in spit up (or poop or pee), we're good!

9. Dressing has become all about comfort (and ease of breastfeeding) these days... if I can't easily pull my shirt/dress up or down, forget about it! My new daily uniform consists of workout pants/shorts, t-shirt and hair in a messy bun. Honestly, I'm not really mad about it... HA! I don't even want to think about getting dressed in "real" clothes every day...

10. And showers, I used to take showers for granted... now, it's a celebration if I get to take a shower each day... and washing my hair and shaving my legs... now that only happens for special occasions!

Welcome to mommyhood :)

But, I wouldn't change a thing (well, the sleep, I would definitely like more sleep...). But, I love my messy new life because now I have YOU!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Month One: Tasso Thomas, Our Little Eating Machine

I can't believe our baby boy is ONE month old!?!

Such a big boy!
That face!
Honestly, where did the time go? I know everyone tells you that time goes by fast, but man, does it go by quick!

I've been trying to write this post for the past week or so, but, as I've learned, trying to get a solid chunk of time to doing anything these days is nearly impossible! Let's just say that the past few weeks have been a bit of a blur as days blend together... and nights blend into days, considering I'm up around the clock! The term "time" has lost a bit of it's meaning on me, since 3am or 3pm, it's Tasso time! Needless to say, we've been busy adjusting to life with our little Tasso bean, and we just love him so :)

Every day has been a new adventure, and I've been learning and adapting to life as a mommy. It's been completely amazing and utterly exhausting (in the best possible way)! I have SO much to say... but I'll save that for another post.

Tasso T, I just love being your mommy! You are the sweetest little love bug, I (we) love you SO much and we can't imagine our lives with you. You are such a content, mellow little baby and I could literally stare at your sweet little face all day... and sometimes I do... as I can't believe that you're ours... that we created you. You're our sweet little angel and you make us SO incredibly happy :)

That face...
Our beautiful boy
Not to say that you haven't given us a run for our money... those sleepless nights sure do take a toll! You were giving us a good 4-5 hour stretch of sleep at night, which was amazing, but once you hit 4 weeks, you reverted back to waking up every 2-3 hours (or more) to eat. You hungry little man! You're like clockwork and eat basically every 2 hours during the day, you're quite predictable, which I appreciate :)

Mommy is a bit "type A" and likes routines and planning and scheduling and getting things accomplished... and having YOU has really me realize that's not quite possible now. Ha! I'm on YOUR schedule now. We are both adjusting to our new life together, and we are settling into our own little routine. I love spending my days with you and watching you grow... it's pretty amazing to see how much you've already changed in a few short weeks.

I could gush and gush about how much we love you... but I wanted to share a quick recap of your first month of life.

As I look back to recount what we've done the past few weeks, I have to say, we haven't done a whole lot! There have been lots of snuggle sessions and spending time at home, visits from family and friends, long walks in the stroller, dinner outings and a few shopping trips! I don't know where the the time has gone, as this month has flown by in the blink of an eye.

Here are a few pics of life over the past few weeks ...

Snuggle time with mommy
Daddy/Tasso time
Snoozin' in your swing
Passed out in the car seat. Those cheeks!
Visits with Mimi and poppy!
Cousin Blake loves you!
So adorable! You and cousin Brayden. 
YiaYia and her Tasso!
Aunt K holding you for the first time. So in love!

  • EATING! You're a non-stop eating machine :) I think you would eat 24/7 if I let you, our little chunky monkey.
  • Naps with Daddy... especially when you snuggle down into the horizontal stomach position, it's so precious :)
  • Your changing table... you love to be on your changing table! Maybe it's the fact that you're SO happy after you take a poop (and you poop about 20 times a day!) or that you love being sans diaper, but we love to talk to you and make faces while we change you, and you love laying there looking up at us... it's so sweet! 
  • Bathtime (Daddy says, he's not sure if Tasso or mommy likes bathtime more, ha!) but you love sitting in your little tub as we wash you. Who wouldn't love it!?
  • Stroller rides with Mommy... you love to be in your stroller (when it's moving!) and you fall asleep almost instantly when we go for our daily walks. 
Your favorite position

So sweet...
You were so alert, right from birth
Pooh bear after bath time!

  • Falling asleep... it's like a battle sometimes to get you to go down for a nap... you fight sleep and try and keep those eyes open as long as possible... but when you finally go down, you sleep pretty well :)
  • Tummy time - you don't really like being on your tummy yet, but I think that's pretty common at this stage. You're getting so good at lifting that big noggin' of yours, though!
  • Being swaddled with your arms in... you love to flail those long arms, and you don't like being constricted when you sleep, so we moved to the sleep sack right away and that seems to work
  • Warm weather. You're not a fan of this heat, especially when you're stuck in your car seat! But, who would blame you? I don't like it either!
Swing snoozin'
Sleeping in your rock n' play
Nicknames: Tasso T, Tasso Bean, Taco (my family loves to call you this!), Muffin Man

Hair: Auburn (you've starting losing your hair on top, you're our little balding baby!)

Eyes: Bluish gray


  • Birth: 8lbs 4oz
  • 1 week: 9lbs
  • 1 month (5 weeks): 12lbs 11oz

  • Birth: 20 1/4" (they told us you were 22 inches, which was false, as your official "record of birth" states otherwise!)
  • 1 week: 21 1/4"
  • 1 month (5 weeks): 23 1/4" inches
  • Birth: 34.5 cm
  • 1 week: 37 cm
  • 1 month (5 weeks): 39 cm

Eating: every 2-3 hours (or less) during the day, every 2-5 hours during the night

Sleep: you were giving us one 4-5 hour stretch at night for a few weeks, but as you've gotten older, that has turned back to 2-3 hours

As you can see, you've been growing like a weed! Slow down, buddy. You were only able to wear your newborn clothes for a week or 2, and I was sad when I had to put them away... you're not my tiny baby anymore! But, I'm so so happy that you're thriving and such a happy and healthy little guy. You make mommy and daddy so proud, Tasso! We can't wait to see what the next month has in store for us :)

And, here are a few more pics...

Car ride home from the hospital
Sleeping in mommy's arms. So tiny!
Snoozin' in the stroller 
Snuggles with Mommy
Cuddlin' with Daddy
Our first dinner out at Gibson's to celebrate YiaYia's birthday!
Okay, I could go on and on, but I'll stop here :)

Cheers to your first month of life, Tasso Thomas! You bring us such joy. We love you!

Monday, August 3, 2015

Introducing: Tasso Thomas Yant

And, the baby is finally HERE! We'd like to introduce Tasso Thomas Yant!

He arrived on Saturday, July 11th (8 days past his due date!) at 4:51pm and was 8lbs 4oz and 22 inches of pure joy! Mommy and daddy are so in love and everyone is doing well.

I wanted to tell the story of his birth, while it's still somewhat fresh in my mind, as it's been over 3 weeks now, but every time I sit down to update the blog, the baby starts calling my name! Welcome to parenthood :) Be forewarned, this is a long post, so I apologize about the length, but here we go!

Let's just say that my labor and delivery did not go as I had expected and/or anticipated... and no matter what anyone tells you about the actual labor itself, nothing will quite prepare you for it.

SO, it all started on Saturday morning, July 11th. I woke up around 7am and felt a gush of fluid down there. Now, mind you, I had been feeling small "gushes" for the past few days and was never quite sure if my water had broken, if I peed myself and/or if I was just slowly leaking amniotic fluid? This felt like a bigger "gush" and I was pretty sure my water had broken.

Holy crap, I thought, this is FINALLY happening... and then I started having contractions. Real contractions. Not the fake contractions that I had been having the past few weeks. Okay, this hurts, but it's not terrible, I thought. I woke up Lukas and told him my water broke and I was having contractions. He asked if I called the doctor, and I hadn't yet, as it was 7am on Saturday, and I thought I could wait a little longer, so I hopped in the shower and got the remaining items ready for my hospital bag.

We started timing my contractions and they were coming 5 to 15 minutes apart. I decided I should probably called the doctor now. I gave them a call and explained that I thought my water broke and I was having contractions, so they said to come into the hospital.

By about 8:30am we were on our way to Adventist Hinsdale Hospital, and I couldn't believe our baby boy was finally going to arrive! Yippeee! My contractions were getting stronger and starting to hurt more and more. We got to the hospital and checked in, and they sent us to an exam room. The nurse came in to examine me and determine if my water truly had broken. They did a quick test and the nurse said she didn't think my water had really broken. I said okay, well I'm having contractions and I'm in pain... I'm 41 weeks pregnant, so let's get this show on the road! She went to talk to the doctor and they determined they would "admit" me. But, if I hadn't been overdue, they probably would have sent me home, which is crazy!

At this point my contractions were coming on stronger and stronger and my real labor had begun. I couldn't sit still and needed to pace back and forth and work on my breathing. The nurse took us into the labor and delivery room and got my IV started and hooked up to the monitor. My contractions continued and we waited... and I thought... so, is this it? Do we just wait? When do I get an epidural?

I was able to somewhat "breathe" through the contractions and squeeze Lukas's hand, but the pain was getting worse and worse... the nurse came in to see how far dilated I was, and I was only 1-2cm STILL... she said they wouldn't give me the epidural until I was 3-4 cm. But, they could give me Stadol, which would help take the "edge" off a bit, but it would make me feel a bit loopy. I said okay, give me something, anything to help with the pain! They gave me the meds and I did feel really loopy... like I was out of it, and I didn't like the feeling... the pain was still there, too, maybe a tiny bit better, but not much... I didn't like the feeling.

My mother-in-law, father-in-law and sister-in-law stopped by to see how we were doing and my parents were on their way from Madison. The labor was progressing, but slowly... and I was in more and more pain... The Stadol slowed my natural contractions, so they gave me Pitocin to make sure my contractions continued. It had been 4 or 5 hours now, and the pain was becoming UNBEARABLE.

I couldn't breathe through the contractions anymore... I was crying each time a new one came and it was AWFUL... why couldn't they give me the damn epidural? This was misery. And then, my water broke (for real this time!). I felt all this pressure... and then... I thought my uterus had exploded and the baby's head popped out. It was nothing I had ever felt before, and the pain was insurmountable. That was my breaking point when I lost it. I couldn't handle the pain anymore.

I couldn't stop crying and I was gasping for breaths between the contractions, and finally the nurse said they could give me the epidural. FINALLY. I didn't understand why they made me suffer for hours first!?! I got the epidural and I felt immediate relief, except I could still feel some throbbing pain on my left side, and my contractions were coming closer and closer together. The fact that I could still feel some pain wasn't normal... so they had to come back and give me another dose of medication... and then, AHHHH, relief. I didn't feel a thing. What contraction? What pain? I felt GREAT! This whole labor thing wasn't so bad after all.

Then, the nurse checked me again, and said I was already at 5-6cm, wait I was at 8cm, no, now 9cm. In a matter of minutes I went from 2cm dilated to 9cm dilated. Wahooo! This baby was finally coming! The nurses were getting the delivery table setup and my mom and MIL were jumping for joy that it was almost time for baby boy to arrive.

And then, this in when my labor changed course. The nurse had me turn on my side, and the baby's heart rate dropped... that wasn't good... and she had me turn back on my back, and the baby's heart rate was fine. And then she had me turn on my other side, and the baby's heart rate dropped again. I didn't understand, what was going on? The nurse called the doctor in and they had me turn from side to side again. They both were acting very serious and it had me worried. This wasn't good. What was going on?

The doctor explained that somehow, when I dilated so quickly, the baby "dropped" and was now lying and/or wrapped around the umbilical cord. Hence, every time I shifted positions it put pressure on the cord and made the baby's heart rate drop. That's when they said I might need a c-section and brought in the paperwork for me to sign. I looked at Lukas, I really didn't want a c-section. I obviously would do whatever we needed to do to delivery the baby safely, but a c-section was not part of my birth plan!

I had already labored for 7 hours, was 9cm dilated and was just about ready to deliver naturally... and now I might have to have a c-section? Of course as soon as they mentioned the "c" word, I knew that it was inevitable. They had me sign the paperwork as a precaution as they watched me go through a few more contractions, and I could tell things weren't headed in a positive direction. We all stared at the monitor as I had another contraction and we say the baby's heart rate drop again... my heart fell as I knew what was coming...

"Molly, this isn't looking good, we need to move now," the doctor ordered. They threw some scrubs at Lukas and wheeled me out of the room into the operating room, in what felt like a matter of seconds. They told Lukas to wait in the hall and they would come get him when I was ready.

In a matter of minutes they literally threw me on the table and prepped me for surgery. I couldn't believe this was happening. They gave me more of the epidural and told me that I would feel the surgery, but I wouldn't be in pain. They put the sheet up and pulled Lukas into the room and quickly began the c-section.

"I can feel you. I can feel you tugging me! Is this normal?" I asked the doctor. "Yes, you're fine. As long as you don't feel pain."

I didn't feel pain, but it was the oddest sensation, to know that someone was slicing into your body and you could feel the pressure, but you couldn't feel the pain... it was uncomfortable, to say the least. Before I knew it they were shouting at Lukas to stand up, as they were pulling the baby out. Since the baby was already so far down the birth canal, they had to do some tugging, and Lukas witnessed our baby boy being born. I heard a cry and they quickly whisked him away to the table.

I was so confused. Didn't I get to see my baby? What was going on. I didn't hear anything. The doctors were talking but I didn't hear the baby... then, within minutes we heard the baby crying again. Thank god. What's going on? The doctor said the baby cried immediately and then he wasn't breathing... they were about to intubate him, when he coughed up the fluid and started crying, but he needed some oxygen to help him breathe and they were going to take him to the NICU.

The nurse asked what are you going to name him? I looked at Lukas. We had our top name, Tasso, picked out, but we wanted to wait to see what he looked like before we named him. Lukas said he looked like a Tasso, so I said okay, let's go with Tasso! We told the nurse his name is Tasso Thomas. What was that she asked? How do you spell it? HA, the confusion began :) Tasso was Greek (as we wanted to pay homage to Lukas's family heritage) and we wanted to name him after my dad, Thomas.

Okay, I had so many questions. Is the baby going to be okay? When do I get to see him? Before I knew it they said look to your right, as they wheeled him away... and all I got to see was the back of his head. I didn't even get to see my baby yet :(

I was drugged and confused and thirsty... SO thirsty. My shoulders ached with all this pressure, and my body was shaking uncontrollably. What's wrong with me? Why am I so sleepy? I asked if it was okay to close my eyes. And, all I wanted was some water. Can I please have something to drink? I asked the doctors. They said no, as I would throw up anything ingested right now. I needed to wait a while and then I could have some ice chips in recovery. Why did my shoulders hurt so much? I was in pain. They told me that when they do surgery on your stomach air gets into your body and rises to your shoulders... hence all the pressure I was feeling.

They wheeled me into recovery and put this floaty-type blanket around me called a "bear hug" that they filled with hot air to help me stay warm and stop the shaking. I was in a sleepy haze and remember asking the nurse a ton of questions... I couldn't wait until I could have some ice chips, as my throat burned, and I kept asking Lukas to rub my shoulders... I couldn't believe that I just had a c-section and our baby boy was here. It felt surreal. We realized that we had been back in recovery for quite some time and we hadn't let our families know that everything was okay and the baby was here. I told Lukas to go see the family and give them an update.

I had to stay in recovery for 2 hours and then I could go see the baby in the NICU and see my family. It felt like time dragged on and it took forever to get through those 2 hours, but finally it was time, and I couldn't wait to see my baby boy! They wheeled me into the NICU and it was love at first sight... I felt so terrible that Tasso was hooked up to oxygen and had all these tubes and monitors on him... my poor baby! But, I knew that he was a fighter and he would be okay. It was torture that I couldn't hold him or do anything for him, but I had faith that he was in good hands with the doctors and nurses.

First picture of Tasso Thomas

After I saw my sweet baby, they wheeled me into our hospital room, and told me our family could visit now. My mom, dad, sister Kristin, brother-in-law Michael and my brother Austin had all drove up from Madison. I felt bad as they were en route when the turn of events occurred and they had been waiting for hours to see me and the baby. It was so nice to see my family, and I'm so glad they were there for Tasso's birth, albeit didn't quite go as planned. It was such a wonderful feeling to be surrounded by loved ones at this special time.

Lukas was able to bring back 1 person at a time to see Tasso in the NICU, so I was so thankful everyone at least got to see the baby before they had to head back to Madison. My family left and Lukas's mom and dad came in to see how we were doing. They got to see the baby and left for the night so we could get some rest. I think it was around 9 or 10pm at this point and I was beyond exhausted... I still couldn't comprehend what had happened and how the events had turned, but I was beyond grateful that my baby boy was okay! I love you my little Tasso bean!

Thankfully, Tasso was released from the NICU within 48 hours and recovered in flying colors. We were so appreciative for the wonderful nurses and doctors who helped our little boy and we are so thankful he's healthy, happy and thriving.

Here are a few pictures of our time in the hospital with our little Tasso T :)

My first time holding Tasso!

Daddy and Tasso

He was so tiny!

Sleeping angel

Our beautiful baby boy!