And, just like that, Tasso is TWO months old! Jesh... stop growing up little man!
These past few weeks have been a bit more "memorable" because I haven't been in as much of a sleep haze as the first few weeks, thankfully, but they've still flown by in the blink of an eye.
2 months old! |
Hanging by teddy |
Rolls on rolls... not amused by mamarazzi |
Tasso Thomas, you are seriously the CUTEST little baby ever. EVER! I know I'm biased because I'm your mommy... but that face... ah! It just melts my heart :) You are such a sweet baby. And, you've been making mommy and daddy's journey into parenthood pretty darn easy!
You have started getting more of a personality these past few weeks, and it's so much fun to watch you observe and grow each day. You are quite inquisitive and alert (you've been such an alert baby since day 1)! You like to look at your surroundings and take everything in... you especially love staring at ceiling fans, people's faces and your new mobile in your crib.
Sweetest little face :) |
You love your activity mat |
Mesmerized by your new mobile! |
You are also very NOISY! Ha. You make so many sounds. As soon as you turned 4 weeks old, you started grunting. All of the time! Grunt, grunt, grunt. Happy grunts, hungry grunts, sleepy grunts... it is pretty darn cute :) Those grunts have subsided into coos and you've been "talking" up a storm! We just love listening to you! And, we love to "talk" back to you... we have our own little conversation of "ohhs" and "ahhs" all day long.
And, you are such an active little guy.... ALL the time! When you dream... you flail your arms around and kick your legs and move your head back and forth... when we hold you, you like to squirm, squirm, squirm... when you lay on your back, you like to kick those little legs of yours... I can just tell that you want to move, move, move... and I get a glimpse of what my future has in store... ha :)
You also try to stand up when we hold you and launch off us... you are SO strong, it's unbelieveable that you're only 2 months old! You also like to roll onto your side or kick your legs up in the air, so I have a feeling you'll be rolling over soon! Watch out :)
- Smiling - this happened around 4 weeks, and you're such a smiley little guy. We just love it when you smile (and when you smile in your sleep!)
- Cooing - you found your voice and you love to talk, talk, talk! It the sweetest little sound. EVER!
- Holding your head up (you've had pretty good head control for a while now) but you're pretty darn good and holding up that melon of yours
We had our first trip back to Madison
You had your 40-day blessing at church
We spent our first overnight in the city for mommy and daddy's 3rd anniversary celebration
- Eating (duh!) just take a look at those rolls...
- Looking around "observing" everything - you especially love looking at ceiling fans, your new mobile and people's faces
- Smiling and making faces - you have the sweetest little smile EVER! and you love to smile at daddy and mommy!
- Your bouncer - you moved on from your swing and you really like lounging and snoozing in your little bouncer
Sweetest smile!
I love all your little faces! |
Snoozin' in your bouncer |
Little lamb! |
- Sleeping in your crib (for more than 45 minutes) we're working on this one and hopefully you'll be snoozing in there in no time!
- Taking naps... you especially don't like to nap around other people as you're afraid you're going to miss you (what people like to call FOMO)
- Tummy time... you're still not the biggest fan of being on your belly for long periods of time, but you're getting really good at lifting
Hair: You lost your baby hair on top and your "new" hair is growing in... it's definitely darker and looks brown. We'll see what the final color will be :)
Eyes: Your eyes are really dark, they look like they're bluish-brown, but I think they're turning brown.
- Birth: 8lbs 4oz
- 1 week: 9lbs
- 1 month (5 weeks): 12lbs 11oz
- 2 months (9 weeks): 15lbs 1oz
- Birth: 20 1/4" (they told us you were 22 inches, which was false, as your official "record of birth" states otherwise!)
- 1 week: 21 1/4"
- 1 month (5 weeks): 23 1/4"
- 2 months (9 weeks): 24 1/2"
- Birth: 34.5 cm
- 1 week: 37 cm
- 1 month (5 weeks): 39 cm
- 2 months (9 weeks) 41 cm
You're in the 92% for weight, 95% for height and 91% for your head. Our big, healthy boy!
Eating: you still eat every 2-3 hours during the day (sometimes more) and 4-6 hours at night. Bottom line, you just love to eat! We introduced a bottle around 4-5 weeks and you took it like a champ. We need to get better about feeding you a bottle more regularly (mommy hates the process of pumping, so we don't do it as often as we should...) but you drink about 2-3.5 oz when you do.