Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Full Term: Week 37

And we made it to 37 weeks! Baby is now full term and would thrive if he were born today. YAY!

It's wild to think that he can come any day now!?! When are you going to get here little man? I would like some type of warning... maybe a sign that it's going to happen that day. Ha. I'm getting more and more nervous about going into labor when I'm at work.

If I go into labor when I'm downtown, my plan is to get an Uber and to take it to Hinsdale (where our hospital is located), but after my experience last night, it makes me a wee bit nervous...

I had a disastrous commute home last night. I couldn't get a cab because it was pouring, so I had to walk the 2 miles to the train station, and while I was walking and rain was blowing in my face, my umbrella broke (of course!). At that point I was already wet, so I said screw it, and just walked the rest of the way sans umbrella in the torrential downpour. It was not fun, to say the least, and I was completely soaked by the time I made it to Union Station. I just kept thinking, don't go into labor right now, don't go into labor... as that would have been REALLY bad. It was a nightmare downtown because of the Blackhawks game and NeoCon and the flash flooding... and of course, all the trains were delayed. SO, I'm thankful to say that I did NOT go into labor, and I made it home, and felt much better after a warm shower :)

BUT, just dealing with that being 9 months pregnant, really made me start to question how much longer I should be commuting downtown in my current state. I'm thinking this will be my last week working in the office, and next week I'll start working from home full-time until the baby arrives.

It's GO time baby, I'm ready for you! I can't wait to meet you!!! Now let's hurry up and get this show on the road!

I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday and they didn't check me for labor signs or dilation, which I thought was odd? They said everything looks good, baby is growing right on schedule, and they estimate he'll be in the high 7lbs if we go to 40 weeks. 

I don't have my next appointment until this Thursday, and I'm DYING to know if we're making any progress down there. I hope so!

37 weeks!

Baby has reached full term and he's developed his most crucial functions. He's practicing inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking. I know he'll get stronger and healthier the longer he stays in there, but I'm so excited, I just can't wait for him to get here!

How far along: 37 weeks

Baby's size:  WINTER MELON (18.9 - 20.9 inches and 6.2 - 9.2lbs) 

Weight gain: 38 lbs

Symptoms: Fat fingers and toes, the swelling continues. Especially with this crazy heat and humidity, it's like a wet blanket outside! My lower back hurts, but I had an awesome massage this weekend and that really helped. And, my belly button has been really itchy. Weird? I'm hanging in there, though.

Pregnancy perks: I have to say, this is the week that people have been the nicest to me. I had my first experience with a complete stranger coming up to me at Mariano's and touching my belly. It was a sweet, little old lady, so it was okay. And everywhere we went this weekend, someone would make a comment that I was glowing (i.e. sweating!) or looked adorable. SO, that made me feel good, since I feel like a whale. 

Things I miss: The countdown to WINE and SUSHI is ON! I can't wait to wear my normal clothes again (I know, it will probably be awhile) and I can't wait to sleep on my back... and sleep without being in pain, even if it is only in small stretches... I'm ready!

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: Watermelon! I've been really into fruit this week, especially since it's been so hot... watermelon, grapes, apples... ice cream (of course) and pizza!

Labor Signs: Nothing really. I've felt a bit crampy the past few nights, so we'll see? And, I've felt more pressure on my pelvic region. He's getting heavy!

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