Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Still Pregnant: Week 39

And, here we are! 39 weeks! 3 more days until Baby Yant is due!

Will we make it to the end? I think so! Will we go late? I hope NOT! Ha :)

This waiting game is the WORST, but I am trying to make the best of it. I keep reminding myself to enjoy this time, because once baby arrives, our lives are going to be turned upside down! But, it's just so hard!

I'm just SO excited and anxious and (insert a million different emotions)!

I had another doctor's appointment this morning and we're making progress... I'm 100% effaced (cervix is thinned out), baby's dropped and head is low, and I'm 1 cm dilated. I was REALLY hoping to be like 3 or 4 cm dilated... but, it's something.

The doctor said we could go into labor any time... or he could hang on for a while longer... I'm really hoping it's the former :) Let's go baby boy!

Oh, and, the doctor asked if I've been having contractions. And I swear, I felt like 2 contractions 2 weeks ago, and that was it...otherwise it's been nada. And, I said no, I haven't really felt anything at all? Is that strange? And she goes, well, you're having contractions right now. WTF!? How do I not feel my own contractions? Haha. I think the doctor thinks I'm special...

I feel movement and sometimes it just seems like the baby is shifting positions... I mean I guess I feel a bit of tightening... and since she said that I was having contractions this morning, I've been feeling more "contractions" all day. SO, regardless, that's a good sign. YAY! Come on contractions.

39 weeks!

Baby is able to flex his limbs now, his brain is still rapidly developing and he's getting smarter by the week (and will continue to do so once he's born!) and his finger nails are probably longer than his fingers (ouch)!

How far along: 39 weeks

Baby's size:  WATERMELON (18.9 - 20.9 inches and 6.2 - 9.2lbs) 

Weight gain: 42 lbs

Symptoms: I honestly have to say that I've felt better these past 2 weeks (physically) than I did previous weeks... because baby has dropped and is putting less pressure on my sciatic nerve. Now, I can actually go for walks again (YAY!). But,  I'm still achy... and my fingers and feet are so FAT a.k.a. swollen! When it's humid out and I look down at my feet, it's scary! All I can think is elephant feet! elephant feet! They don't look like they belong to my body. Haha.

Pregnancy perks: Being able to go for walks again was a big perk this week... but knowing our little peanut is going to be here any day now is the GREATEST perk of all. 

Things I miss: Vino vino vino! SO close to wine and sushi... and deli meat... and coffee every day... yay! I miss not feeling huge. I miss wearing my wedding rings!

Food cravings: Basically the same as last week. I swear I've eaten a watermelon a week for the past few weeks! And, baked goods... I could eat a dozen muffins a day if you let me :) 

Labor Signs: Well, per my comments above, I guess I've been having contractions... let's hope they turn into the REAL thing, real soon! 

It's GO TIME baby boy! I can't wait to meet you!

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Anticipation: Week 38

We're 38 weeks! It's crazy to think that this is the END of pregnancy and our little boy could be here any DAY now... as we only have 10 days to go. Woohoo!

But, this anticipation is killing me!

I feel like I'm in this weird state of limbo. I am SO excited for our baby boy to arrive, and yet I'm nervous and anxious about how our lives are going to change and all of the unknowns associated with childbirth and beyond. I don't like this state of uncertainty. I don't like not knowing when he's going to get here, either. Every night I go to bed and think... will this be the night? It's such a strange feeling that it's hard to describe...

But, I am READY. As ready as I can be! Not that I'm terribly uncomfortable, it's more of the emotional unknowns that are making this waiting period difficult for me. I just can't wait for the baby to get here and to start this next chapter our lives! Come on, baby. Let's GO!

SO, we had our doctor's appointment last Thursday, and we're starting to make some progress. I was 50% effaced, but not dilated yet...

When I was taking the train home on Friday afternoon, I started feeling kinda funky. My stomach was a bit nauseous and I was feeling crampy. I thought, maybe this is it!?! I got home and I felt a few minor contractions... but then they went away, and I haven't felt any since. I've had waves of cramps/nausea, but otherwise nothing new to report. We have our next check-up on Thursday. I'm hoping that I'll be dilated! Fingers crossed :)

38 weeks!

I am not a fan of this picture, but it was the best one we got this week... hopefully this may be the last weekly bump pic!? I think that may be wishful thinking as baby boy seems pretty cozy in there ;)

Baby may already have an inch (or more!) of hair on his head! He's shedding lanugo (thin hair covering his body) and vernix (the white goo on his skin) and he's producing more surfactant to help him be able to breathe once he's born. He's continuing to add fat and is fine-tuning his brain and nervous system. 

How far along: 38 weeks

Baby's size:  PUMPKIN (18.9 - 20.9 inches and 6.2 - 9.2lbs) 

Weight gain: 40 lbs

Symptoms: Achy joints! My fingers and toe joints get really achy and swollen... when I wake up from sleeping, my hands hurt! It's so odd? Lower back pain, but it's not as severe as before. Swollen hands and feet. The joys of pregnancy in the summer! But, I'm still hanging in there. It could be much worse!

Pregnancy perks: Well, I don't know if this counts as a "perk" but I wore a bikini this weekend at 38 weeks pregnant, and I felt like that was quite a feat! Pouring my massive body into a small piece of clothing is not the most enjoyable at this stage of the game... but I did it! Also, the biggest perk of all... knowing our little man will be here SO soon! Ahhhhh!

Things I miss: I miss being able to walk around and being more active. I don't like feeling "lazy" and incapable of doing things. I miss my old body, and I know I probably won't see that for a while... but I'm ready to get back to more of a "normal" non-pregnant body! And, of course, the forbidden foods. SO SOON!

Food aversions: Same old, same old. Eggs and seafood, and some meats.

Food cravings: Still really into watermelon this week... and all fruits. Frozen yogurt and ice cream... anything cool. Also still love me some baked goods! :)

Labor Signs: I had those minor contractions on Friday, and I've had waves of cramps and nausea, but that's about it. Hoping we make more progress this week!

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Full Term: Week 37

And we made it to 37 weeks! Baby is now full term and would thrive if he were born today. YAY!

It's wild to think that he can come any day now!?! When are you going to get here little man? I would like some type of warning... maybe a sign that it's going to happen that day. Ha. I'm getting more and more nervous about going into labor when I'm at work.

If I go into labor when I'm downtown, my plan is to get an Uber and to take it to Hinsdale (where our hospital is located), but after my experience last night, it makes me a wee bit nervous...

I had a disastrous commute home last night. I couldn't get a cab because it was pouring, so I had to walk the 2 miles to the train station, and while I was walking and rain was blowing in my face, my umbrella broke (of course!). At that point I was already wet, so I said screw it, and just walked the rest of the way sans umbrella in the torrential downpour. It was not fun, to say the least, and I was completely soaked by the time I made it to Union Station. I just kept thinking, don't go into labor right now, don't go into labor... as that would have been REALLY bad. It was a nightmare downtown because of the Blackhawks game and NeoCon and the flash flooding... and of course, all the trains were delayed. SO, I'm thankful to say that I did NOT go into labor, and I made it home, and felt much better after a warm shower :)

BUT, just dealing with that being 9 months pregnant, really made me start to question how much longer I should be commuting downtown in my current state. I'm thinking this will be my last week working in the office, and next week I'll start working from home full-time until the baby arrives.

It's GO time baby, I'm ready for you! I can't wait to meet you!!! Now let's hurry up and get this show on the road!

I had a doctor's appointment on Thursday and they didn't check me for labor signs or dilation, which I thought was odd? They said everything looks good, baby is growing right on schedule, and they estimate he'll be in the high 7lbs if we go to 40 weeks. 

I don't have my next appointment until this Thursday, and I'm DYING to know if we're making any progress down there. I hope so!

37 weeks!

Baby has reached full term and he's developed his most crucial functions. He's practicing inhaling, exhaling, sucking, gripping and blinking. I know he'll get stronger and healthier the longer he stays in there, but I'm so excited, I just can't wait for him to get here!

How far along: 37 weeks

Baby's size:  WINTER MELON (18.9 - 20.9 inches and 6.2 - 9.2lbs) 

Weight gain: 38 lbs

Symptoms: Fat fingers and toes, the swelling continues. Especially with this crazy heat and humidity, it's like a wet blanket outside! My lower back hurts, but I had an awesome massage this weekend and that really helped. And, my belly button has been really itchy. Weird? I'm hanging in there, though.

Pregnancy perks: I have to say, this is the week that people have been the nicest to me. I had my first experience with a complete stranger coming up to me at Mariano's and touching my belly. It was a sweet, little old lady, so it was okay. And everywhere we went this weekend, someone would make a comment that I was glowing (i.e. sweating!) or looked adorable. SO, that made me feel good, since I feel like a whale. 

Things I miss: The countdown to WINE and SUSHI is ON! I can't wait to wear my normal clothes again (I know, it will probably be awhile) and I can't wait to sleep on my back... and sleep without being in pain, even if it is only in small stretches... I'm ready!

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: Watermelon! I've been really into fruit this week, especially since it's been so hot... watermelon, grapes, apples... ice cream (of course) and pizza!

Labor Signs: Nothing really. I've felt a bit crampy the past few nights, so we'll see? And, I've felt more pressure on my pelvic region. He's getting heavy!

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Waddle Waddle: Week 36

21 days until our sweet little man arrives! I can't believe we only have 3 weeks to go (if that!) as baby could arrive any day now. YAY!

I've been hanging in there and doing my best to keep a positive attitude even though I'm not feeling the best... walking, or should I say waddling, has become my biggest challenge. The back pain continues, but I've found soaking in a bath and a heating pad do help give me some relief. The doctor said I could try physical therapy or get a massage to see if that helps... SO, I scheduled a massage for this weekend. YES, please!

We'll see if that helps, if nothing else, it will be nice to get a little pampering before the baby arrives!

We had our last baby class on Monday to learn about breastfeeding basics, so hypothetically, we should be all set :) Now, we'll see if we remember everything that we've learned. Ha. I feel good that we've at least gone through the classes and heard the information... and the rest is up to us to learn as we go!

And, we had our car seat inspection today, and we're A-okay! First of all, we had a heck of a time finding a location near us that does car seat safety inspection checks. I thought all fire stations did this? Nope! We went to the Pleasantview Fire Department (it's not far from us, and is actually right down the street from my doctor's office) and they were super helpful.

We're ready for you baby! When are you going to get here!?!

36 weeks!

Basically all of baby's systems, from circulatory to musculoskeletal are ready to go, except for digestion, which won't mature until after birth. His skin is getting smooth and soft and his gums are rigid. He's getting ready to make his big DEBUT (and so is his momma)!

How far along: 36 weeks

Baby's size:  HONEYDEW MELON (17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2 - 5.8lbs) 

Weight gain: 37 lbs

Symptoms: Swollen hands and feet. I can no longer wear my wedding rings... well, I can force them on, but then I'm afraid they won't come off, and I don't want them to have to cut them off, so I'm playing it safe and going sans rings. I still have bad lower back pain when I walk. It's fine when I'm sitting, so that's good, at least. My belly has been itchy... and, I feel HUGE. But, otherwise, I'm hanging in there!

Pregnancy perks: I just have my eye on the prize... baby boy will be here SO soon and all of this will be worth it!

Things I miss: I'm not going to lie, I'm getting pretty excited to drink some VINO soon! And eat sushi, and deli meat and drink coffee... wooohooo! 

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: Hmmmmm.... nothing in particular lately. Donuts (always good), ice cream, peanut butter, fruit, cheese, carbs... the usual...

Labor Signs: Well, I think I may have had some contractions last night!? I woke up in the middle of the night (per usual) and either the baby was going wild kicking or my uterus was contracting... I haven't felt contractions before, so I don't exactly know what to expect? I laid awake for a while waiting to see what happened... and they went away... so I'm not sure? We'll see what this next week brings!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Need to Pee: Week 35

And we have less than 1 month until baby's due date! The final countdown is ON.

We are 35 weeks and I am getting uncomfortable. I now have to pee 50 times a day, my hands and feet are swollen, I have severe lower back pain every time I walk and I'm gaining weight like it's my job. FUN STUFF, I tell you!

The back pain is the worst, because I really like to walk, and I want to stay active... but now every time I take a step, I feel the severe pain. Boo :( I keep hoping that it will just go away? My doctor said it's my sciatic nerve and that it will probably go away after I have the baby.... joy, joy.

BUT, the end is in sight and we only have a few more weeks to go until we can meet our sweet baby boy! YAY!

We had our weekly check-up on Tuesday and everything looks good! Baby is head down, heart beat is a strong 130 bpm, and my cervix is still CLOSED. Good news all around :)

Everyone has been telling me that we're going to go early... but I'm starting to think that may not be the case... I'm just really hoping that we don't go LATE. Ha. When are you going to make your arrival little man!?! We shall see...

35 weeks!

This week baby is busy packing on the fat! He has probably reached his maximum length (apps say he's around 20 inches) but he'll continue to pack on 1-2 lbs (or more!) before birth.  His brain is also continuing to develop, but otherwise all systems are a go! I can't believe he'll be here SO soon!

How far along: 35 weeks

Baby's size:  COCONUT (17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2 - 5.8lbs) 

Weight gain: 36 lbs (baby must have had a massive growth spurt this week... or I'm majorly retaining water... but the scale has been rising quickly. NOT cool!)

Symptoms: Lower back pain. Swollen hands and feet. Frequent need to pee. I honestly feel fine when I'm sitting down... but when I have to walk around, it hurts :( Let's hope this feeling doesn't last long!

Pregnancy perks: Getting the nursery setup this week was a pretty awesome feeling and knowing that the end is in sight. We're SO close!

Things I miss: Walking without being in PAIN! Not having my feet look like they belong to a 200lb lady... being able to comfortable wear my wedding rings...

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: Still really into peanut butter... peanut butter & jelly, peanut butter and apples, chocolate and peanut butter... and all the usual suspects (cheese, pizza, yum yum!)

Labor Signs: Nada! Not a single contraction... we'll see what next week brings!