Tuesday, December 23, 2014

7 Eleven: Week 11

We had our first OB appointment this week and our last appointment with our fertility specialist! We're moving up in the world :)

It's going to be a weird feeling not having a doctor's appointment each week where we get to see a glimpse of our little love bug. I guess it's a good thing, though, that everything is going well and we don't need to come in on a weekly basis.

Here's a pic of our last ultrasound.

11 week ultrasound!

We're technically 11 weeks 6 days here, but as you can see, Baby Yant is growing like crazy! His/her heart is beating a strong 152 beats per minute, she's 1.6 inches long and weighs .25 ounces and she's moving around like crazy. She's moving her arms and legs around and you can see her little fingers and toes. How sweet!

I was feeling much better this week pregnancy symptom-wise, but I came down with another bad cold :( Being pregnant and being sick is not fun at all. The cold totally knocked me out and I've been super congested and junky. Not fun. Hopefully this is my LAST sickness of the season!

11 weeks!

How far along: 11 weeks

Baby's size: Lime

Weight gain: I still haven't gained much, if anything, and being sick didn't help. 

Symptoms: I'm feeling much better. Nausea is pretty much gone and food aversions are starting to get better too. Otherwise, I'm still very tired, but feeling pretty good.

Pregnancy perks: Having our first OB appointment is making this experience feel more REAL. We're almost done with the first trimester! 

Food aversions: Chicken and eggs. 

Food cravings: Orange juice

Keep on, keeping on Baby Yant! We're almost there :)

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