Sunday, November 23, 2014

Our Little Raspberry: Week 8

I'm feeling much, much better about things this week, thank goodness!

We had a great doctor's appointment on Thursday and the doctor said that all looks good. No need to stay off my feet or worry. Whew!

I'm really tired tonight (surprise!) so this post is going to be super short and sweet.

Our little love bug is really starting to take shape this week and he/she is growing like crazy (1 mm each day!)  See below.

8 week ultrasound!

Baby is the size of a RASPBERRY this week. Measuring in at .63 inches and .04 oz. It almost looks like you can make out the baby's head. How cool is that!?! His/her heartbeat is a whopping 167 beats per minute and all is going well. Grow baby, grow!

8 weeks!

There's still not much to see, but it looks like my belly is growing a little bit (or I just had a really big breakfast).

How far along: 8 weeks

Baby's size: Raspberry

Weight gain: Nothing really yet.

Symptoms: Nausea continues, and it comes and goes. Yesterday I felt pretty good all day, today not so much. My stomach was queasy pretty much all day. I just lose my appetite or need to eat dry, bland foods. It's not terrible, no vomiting (knock on wood.) Overall, I feel pretty good. Very tired, sore boobs, but that goes with the territory.

Pregnancy perks: Resting, relaxing and not feeling bad about it. I'm making a baby in there, and it's hard work! And obviously, we're still overjoyed with the news (and can't wait to share it soon!).

Food aversions/cravings: For some reason, milk is just not doing it for me. I determined if I have a bowl of cereal in the morning, it makes me nauseous. Odd, right? Most dairy products (besides cheese) don't sound good... no cravings yet. Maybe juice? I've never been a big juice drinker, but I was craving OJ this morning like crazy. Gotta get that vitamin C.

Speaking of food cravings, let's just say my husband was lamenting this week that I haven't had any cravings yet... and what fun was that for him!?! Ha :) You just wait...

More to come soon!

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