We're 7 weeks! Woohoo. 1 week closer to the end of the first trimester. 7 weeks down, 6 weeks to go!
This week was a bit stressful, not going to lie. I went in for our weekly appointment on Thursday and my doctor was OOO on vacation, so one of the nurses did my ultrasound. I am always excited and anxious for our appointments, as I can't wait to see how much our baby has grown and I'm anxious to hear that everything is okay. But, this week's appointment left me feeling a bit uneasy.
As I was laying on the table, legs in stirrups (which is always just the most comfortable experience) and the nurse was doing the ultrasound, it seemed like she was having a difficult time. She was waving the probe around inside me, back and forth, all over the place, and not saying anything to me. Hello, I am a person here. I'm laying on the table in front of you, want to tell me what's going on?
I was a bit concerned.
Finally, she pulled up the image of the baby (he/she is growing, see the ultrasound pic below!) and got the baby's heartbeat. A strong 111 beats per minute. Whew, we have a heartbeat. The baby is okay!
Ultrasound at 7 weeks! |
"Everything looks good. My only concern is that I saw something over here." She points to the monitor, where there was a darker area outside of the yolk sac. "Have you had any spotting?" she asked.
"No, I haven't had any spotting." I responded.
"Okay, good. Well just try and rest whenever you can and stay off your feet. Call us if you get any spotting." She told me.
"Is there something I should be concerned about? Is everything okay?" I asked
"Nothing to worry about, everything is fine. Just try and take it easy."
Try and take it easy? Rest whenever I can. Stay off my feet? What does this mean? Do I need to be on bed rest? Can I still go to work? WTF!?
Of course, my mind was racing and I started thinking about worse case scenario. Is my baby okay? How am I supposed to relax after she tells me that? I called Lukas to tell him about the appointment and he was just as concerned as I was. SO, I called the doctor's office back and asked if they could elaborate. Can I still go to work? What do they mean by stay off my feet?
The nurse reassured me that everything was fine, and that I could still go to work. But, I should just to rest whenever I could and stay off my feet for long periods of time, and to call if I had any spotting. Okay...
SO, I tried my best not to worry about it and told myself that if something were REALLY wrong, they would do something about it right away, and not just let me go about my day. I've done my best to try and keep my mind off it... but let's just say that I REALLY look forward to our appointment next week (when my doctor returns) so we can finally get some answers.
7 weeks! |
There's nothing much to see yet, but Baby Yant is growing! He/she has doubled in size from last week.
How far along: 7 weeks
Baby's size: Blueberry
Weight gain: Nothing yet... my doctor said I lost 1lb this week, but that's not true. On my scale, I weighed the same. My weight fluctuates based on time of day, what I ate, when I went to the bathroom... all that jazz. SO, I just need to make sure that I'm eating enough for our little love bug (300 more calories a day)
Symptoms: I'm beginning to feel more nauseous this week. The day that week 7 hit, my nausea increased. It comes in waves, but it's made me lose my appetite and food has not been as appealing. Otherwise, everything is the same. Tired, moody, breakouts. Lots of fun stuff :)
Pregnancy perks: Honestly, I still can't believe we're pregnant! There are times when I go about my day, and I almost forget... and then I think, OMG, we're going to have a baby! It's been a roller coaster of emotions. My hubby has been wonderful and doting, and he won't let me carry anything... so that's been very sweet.
Food aversions/cravings: I made the mistake of eating eggs this week when my stomach was uneasy. Not good. I knew I needed to get my protein, so I thought I would give it a shot. Bad decision. Chicken, also not appealing. Or yogurt... something about the texture... Let's just say we stocked up on saltines this week.
Send positive vibes our way!