I am envious of all the mamas out there that went early or delivered on their due dates, because this waiting game is seriously the pits! What makes it worse is that I had the mindset that we would go early... and of course, here we are, almost a week late and still waiting... and it's torture, I tell you!
All in all, things could be much worse... I could be in a lot of pain and super uncomfortable, and thankfully I'm not. Physically, I feel pretty darn good for being 40+ weeks preggo. It's the mental game that's the worst.
But, we do have an end date in sight. The doctor said if I don't go into labor on my own we'll be induced next Tuesday, 7/14. I don't understand why they're letting me go 11 days past my due date... most people only have to wait a week max... but, alas, that's the plan. I would just REALLY like to go into labor on my own before then. Each day when I wake up I tell baby today is the DAY, but he doesn't seem to like to listen to his mama :) HA.
I had a doctor's appointment on Monday and they had to start doing non-stress tests (NST) since the baby is over due. I got hooked up to this machine where they monitored the baby's heartbeat, the baby's movement and my contractions... and baby was a little wiggle worm... so needless to say, we passed the NST in flying colors and baby is not in distress, which is great.
Unfortunately, I wasn't much more dilated :( They said last week I was "starting" to dilate and this week I was a full 1cm. The doctor was trying to help dilate me more, and let me tell you, OUCH. That was really painful... I guess it was just a small foreshadowing of the pain of labor! And, the doctors continue to say that they think baby will be in the high 7lbs, so we'll see!
Okay, enough of my complaining! Baby boy, I just can't wait to meet you!
And, here's my baby bump at 40 weeks.
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40 weeks! |
We tried to make the most of our 4th of July weekend. It was hard, just not knowing when (and if) the baby would arrive. But, we spent most of the weekend lounging by the pool... going out to eat... going for long walks...and spending time hanging out with family. Thankfully the weather was beautiful, so it was nice to spend some time outside!
In baby land, baby's hair and nails continue to grow... he's continuing to pack on the ounces... and his lungs are continuing to develop as well. But, he is fully cooked and ready to arrive!
How far along: 40 weeks
Baby's size: Jackfruit (18.9 - 20.9 inches and 6.2 - 9.2lbs)
Weight gain: 44 lbs
Symptoms: I've felt more pressure in my pelvic region and lower back, but it hasn't been terrible. Otherwise, same symptoms as last week: swollen hands and feet (it's been better this week as it's been cooler outside), achy joints, trouble sleeping, and the need to pee 24/7! I swear I pee every 30 minutes... ha :)
Pregnancy perks: I have to say, everyone has been very nice this week... from complete strangers saying I look great to family members and friends providing encouragement... and of course, my hubby! It's nice to have a support network to help get me through this waiting period.
Things I miss: I started cheating and drinking coffee again this week. Mama deserves something at this point! Baby is fully cooked, so a little caffeine now won't hurt him! But, I still can't wait for wine, sushi and deli meat! SO SOON! And, I can't wait to get back in shape and wear my "normal" clothes... I have like 3 outfits that fit right now and I keep rotating them...
Food cravings: I am still hungry ALL of the time. I thought at the end of pregnancy you were supposed to "run out of room" in your stomach for food and the weight gain was supposed to slow down... Not so much for me!
Labor Signs: I've definitely had more pressure in my pelvic region and I've felt more contractions... I hope that I'm dilating more and the baby will be here SOON!
I can't wait to meet you baby! Let today be the DAY!