Thursday, May 28, 2015

Sausage Toes: Week 34

36 days until our little man arrives! Woohoo! We are 34 weeks (going on 35) and hope the next few weeks cruise by!

I have reached a point in the pregnancy where I'm starting to get uncomfortable. The weather (it's been muggy and humid in Chicago) and my bulging belly have made things a bit more challenging... my 2.5 mile walk to work each morning is starting to get a bit unpleasant, to say the least :) BUT, I'm hanging in there...

We had our doctor's appointment last week and the doctor said everything looks good, but my belly was measuring small. She wanted us to get an ultrasound, just to make sure everything was okay with the little guy. Of course, that's never news that you want to hear, but I wasn't TOO worried. I could feel the baby moving like crazy, he had a strong heartbeat, and I was gaining weight (and plenty of it!) so I knew deep down that he was A-OK. But, I couldn't wait until we had the ultrasound for the doctor to confirm that.

We had our ultrasound last Thursday, and the doctor said that the baby was PERFECT! He was right on schedule in terms of his growth, and they estimated that he weighs 5 lbs! That's pretty big! Here are a few pics from the ultrasound.

It was SO wonderful to see his sweet little face again...

Looks at those chubby cheeks!

I knew he was doing some crazy moves in there!

My little chubbster!

He's smiling! Melts my heart :)

It was so reassuring to see him again! I'm SO in love already. I could just stare at his sweet little face all day :) And, it made me feel really good to know that he was growing right on schedule. If he keeps on this trajectory (gaining .5lbs per week) and we go until 40 weeks, he's going to be around 8lbs! Ha.

And, here's my 34 week bump:

34 weeks!

This week baby is listening to our conversations (and songs) and may be able to detect them when he's born! He testicles are making their descent from the abdomen (ha!), his intestines are maturing and baby's finger nails have reached the tips of his fingers.

He's getting ready to make his big debut. Only a few more weeks to go! Ah!

How far along: 34 weeks

Baby's size:  BUTTERNUT SQUASH (17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2 - 5.8lbs) but we know he's around 5lbs

Weight gain: 33 lbs 

Symptoms: My hands and feet have definitely been swollen this week. I think it's the combination of the heat and sitting at my desk at work... by the end of the day I look at my feet and they look like fat little sausages! SO weird. And, Lukas said I've started snoring... just lovely :) Otherwise, it's just getting harder to get around, put on my shoes, walk longer distances... All in all, I can't complain too much. I'm feeling pretty good!

Pregnancy perks: Seeing our sweet baby boy's face again! AHHH! Love him! It reminds me that the end is near... only a few more weeks to go!

Things I miss: Being able to do things without heaving my body around.... WINE (so soon!!!) and the forbidden foods. I can't wait to eat sushi!

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood.

Food cravings: Hmmmm... nothing unusual... pizza, anything cheesy carby, baked good, peanut butter chocolate ice cream :) Yummmm.

Labor Signs: Still nothing! But, when I had my ultrasound, the technician said "oh, good contraction!" and I didn't feel a thing... so I guess I've been having some Braxton Hicks contractions? Who knows?

Friday, May 22, 2015

Chicago Baby Shower: Week 33

This post is a few days late as it's been a BUSY week, but we are 33 weeks! 33 weeks! Baby is going to be here SO soon!

We had our second baby shower this week and it was wonderful! All of the aunts on the Loukas side and my mother-in-law, Stella, threw us a gorgeous shower at my Aunt Patty's house, and it was stunning. It was literally straight out of a Pinterest board. SO adorable!

Baby boy was spoiled for a second weekend in a row, and we got a ton of stuff off our registry... our stroller (yay!), pack n' play, swing, rock n' play... baby blankets, clothes, bath time accessories and more! We were definitely showered with love!

Here are a few pics from the day:
Entry table with mine and Lukas's baby pics!

Baby clothes decor! I should have gotten a better picture as it was so cute!

Adorable table settings :)

My mother-in-law and mom! Such wonderful role models!

My handsome hubby!

My mom and sissy and me! The last time we'll see each other before the baby!

It was such a special day to feel all the love for our baby boy! We are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends. I can't wait until baby arrives and he can meet all of the wonderful people in his life. Thanks to all :)

In other news, baby boy is growing away! Everyone says that I look small, but I feel BIG.

Here's my bump at 33 weeks:
33 weeks!

This week baby's bones are hardening, his brain is going through more major development, he's developing his immune system and he's keeping his eyes open when he's awake! How cool is that!? 

In addition, baby may grow up to ONE INCH this week (wow!) as he continues to pack on a half pound per week. Grow baby, grow! It's crazy to think he may double in weight by the time that he arrives. I don't know how he will fit in there... it's feeling like pretty cramped quarters to me!

How far along: 33 weeks

Baby's size:  DURIAN (17.2 - 18.7 inches and 4.2 - 5.8lbs) 

Weight gain: 31 lbs 

Symptoms: My hands have been a little swollen this week as it's getting harder to put on my wedding ring some days... my nose has also been swollen and congested (oh joy!) and I've been getting some light nose bleeds (this has happened the last few weeks). Sleep insomnia is also back this week. But overall, I still continue to feel good for being 8 1/2 months preggo!

Pregnancy perks: Again, the baby shower was the highlight of the week! Such a special day filled with love :) 

Things I miss: Wearing my normal clothes... coffee! Being able to take deep breaths.

Food aversions: Eggs, eggs, eggs.

Food cravings: Nothing too crazy this week. Still could eat anything chocolate peanut butter all day long... Chipotle... pizza... oatmeal with berries (best thing ever!). Let's just say I'm hungry. ALL. THE. TIME.

Labor Signs: Still nothing! 

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Madison Baby Shower: Week 32

Only 50 days to go until my sweet baby boy arrives! YAY!!!

We are 32 weeks and counting... and time is FLYING! I blink and another week goes by.

My mom and my sisters threw us our first baby shower at Doolittle's Woodfire Grill (where my brother-in-law Michael works) in Madison, and it was just lovely! We got a ton of cute clothes and books and trinkets... baby boy is going to be one styling dude :)

Here are a few pictures from the day:

My sisters and my baby bump!

Me and my baby daddy!

My mom and her girls :)

My sisters-in-law and sweet baby nephew, Emmett!

My best girlfriends, Natalie and Lindsay!

It was such a special day all around. I felt all the love in the room for our baby boy and I couldn't contain my joy. I can't wait to meet my little man and be his momma!

We were also able to celebrate Mother's Day with my mom and Grandma while we were back, and that was really nice. When we were leaving, my mom made a comment... that this may be the last time I'll see everyone before we have the baby. OMG! For some reason, that made everything seem VERY real...

I have so many mixed emotions, as I can't wait to meet our baby, but at the same time, our life is going to change forever, and it's such a hard thing to process... I am so so excited for this next chapter to begin, but at the same time, I'm also sad to say good-bye to our current life. It's just a bit unnerving to not know what the future holds.

WHELP! Here's to our next big adventure!

32 weeks!

This week baby is busy at work practicing breathing, swallowing, kicking (lots of it!) and sucking. His lungs are going through further development and producing surfactin. He's putting on more fat (and so is his momma!), shedding lanugo and getting ready for his big debut.

How far along: 32 weeks

Baby's size:  SQUASH (15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8lbs) 

Weight gain: 30 lbs 

Symptoms: Sometimes I think the baby is going to burst out of my belly... he does these crazy maneuvers in there and it feels so ODD! Ha. Besides crazy baby movement, my hips and lower back have been achy, but otherwise I feel good. I actually might be sleeping a bit better this week, do I dare say!? 

Pregnancy perks: Our baby shower takes the cake this week! It made me (and baby) feel very special and loved :)

Things I miss: I'm hanging in there this week... of course I continue to miss my vino (and mimosas)... but it's been bearable knowing I only have a few weeks to go!

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood. Same old, same old.

Food cravings: I'm still really into the oatmeal and PB&J this week... also avocados, baked goods and anything carby... and for some reason today I HAD to have some Nutella... I don't know why it popped into my head... but luckily we have some, and it was indeed delicious :) 

Labor Signs: Nada! What are these Braxton Hicks contractions you speak of? Still haven't had any...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tight Quarters: Week 31

We're 31 weeks! 8 weeks and 1 day to go... 57 days...

Oh, baby boy! You're going to be here before we know it.

Work has been REALLY busy (of course, it has to get crazy right before my maternity leave!) and the days are flying by. I feel like I blink and it's Friday, which is amazing, and scary... because we still have SO much to do! Ha.

We have our first baby shower in Madison this weekend and I'm beyond thrilled :) I can't wait to celebrate baby boy with some of my friends and family. It will be a such a sweet treat. And, it will be nice to be home to celebrate Mother's Day (for my mom). You don't celebrate Mother's Day if you're pregnant, right?

In other news, our crib and nursery furniture were supposed to arrive this week, but unfortunately they are delayed and won't arrive until May 22nd. Grrrrr... I'm dying not being able to work on our nursery! I just want to make sure I have enough time to get  it all ready before baby makes his appearance! Eeeek...

In other news, we had another check-up this week, and baby boy is healthy and growing right on schedule! I'm always curious what my "measurement" is when they measure my belly... and the doctor just tells me that everything is "normal" and right on track, which is wonderful to hear, of course. But how big is my belly!?! The only thing we need to keep in mind is that the baby hasn't turned yet, so he's still in breech position (his head is up and his feet are down). The doctor said not to worry about it, that babies are smart and he'll turn in the next few weeks.... but if he doesn't turn by week 36, then we have a problem. Come on baby, turn, turn, turn!

It's weird because I feel like he's constantly shifting and turning in there... it feel like he likes to lie horizontally... so maybe he's making his approach to turn. Ha.

I can tell that his quarters are getting tight and it's making us both a bit uncomfortable! He's learned to smush my lungs and kick me in the bladder, both of which are just lovely. I feel him move all of the time... and it's not that it hurts... but sometimes he can get in wacky position and it just feels so ODD.

The good news is, we're both GROWING. A lot.

31 weeks!

This week baby is going through major brain and nerve development. All five of his senses are now functioning... he can see, smell, hear, taste and touch. How cool is that!?! He keeps getting smarter and smarter. He's going to be our little genius :)

How far along: 31 weeks

Baby's size: PINEAPPLE (15.2 - 16.7 inches and 2.5 - 3.8lbs) 

Weight gain: 28 lbs 

Symptoms: My belly is getting heavier and baby is starting to smush my lungs at times... sometimes I wonder how he's going to keep growing in there? I've noticed that I have to walk slower and I can't be a speed racer anymore, otherwise I can't breathe. Ha. Sleeping continues to be difficult, but I have some good nights and some bad nights. But, overall, I continue to feel good for the most part!

Pregnancy perks: Now that I'm visibly pregnant and I'm not hiding my bump under a jacket anymore, I've noticed that people have been nicer to me... actually letting me board the train before them or allowing me the open seat.

Things I miss: Feeling skinny, not heaving my body out of bed... out of chairs.... WINE, coffee! SOON!

Food aversions: Eggs. Seafood. Omg, one of my co-workers brought in fish yesterday, and the whole office reeked of seafood... I thought I was going to puke. Ugh!

Food cravings: I've all about my oatmeal and fruit this week. Blueberries, raspberries, bananas... Oh, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.... anything (and everything) chocolate peanut butter! I am hungry almost all of the time, so food in general is just SO. good!

Labor Signs: Still nothing... keep on cooking in there, little bun!