Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Over The Hump: Week 21

Our little love bug is 21 weeks! Only 18 weeks and 3 days to go :)

Let's hope these next few weeks fly by!

I am REALLY looking forward to our babymoon next week! Woohoo. We leave on Saturday morning (my birthday!) for the Dominican Republic, and it could not come soon enough. I am really over winter and it's not helping that this week has been FREEZING again. Treking over 30 minutes to work in sub-zero temperatures has not been fun for this pregnant lady, let me tell you...

SO, yes. Vacation, I am SO ready for you!

We're staying at the Alsol Luxury Village in Punta Cana, and it looks really nice!  I've never been to the Dominican before, so I'm looking forward to traveling somewhere new. We were thinking about going to Mexico again, as we've always had a great time, but we found this awesome deal on Jetsetter to the DR and thought we would try something new. Hopefully it's as good as it looks!

To be honest, all I really care about is that the food is somewhat decent and the weather is nice. All I plan to do is lay by the pool, max and relax, and spend some quality time with my hubby. Bring on the sunshine and virgin daiquiris!

Otherwise, baby and I are doing well. We went on a last minute trip to Madison this past weekend to spend time with my mom, and that was really nice! We went maternity clothes shopping and baby clothes shopping and had lots of baby talk, which was fun. Baby boy is getting spoiled already :)

In other news, he has been SUPER active. Last night I ate a turkey burger and french fries for dinner, and he was doing backflips in my belly for the next hour. I guess he really likes turkey burgers!? We'll see if that holds true after he's born :) Lukas and I have been debating if he's going to like red meat or not, since I don't eat red meat... and the baby eats what I eat and develops a taste for what I like... it will be interesting to see.

In other news, baby boy (and momma) are growing! Here's the belly pic for this week.

21 weeks!

It's funny because I feel like my belly is getting BIG, but when I see people who I haven't seen since I've been pregnant, they don't agree. Ha! I had a meeting with one of my clients yesterday and she was appalled that I was over halfway done with the pregnancy... and I was like, what, my belly feels HUGE! I guess I have a ways to go...

How far along: 21 weeks

Baby's size: POMEGRANATE (10.5 inches and 12.7 ounces) That means baby grew like 4 inches since last week... that's a huge growth spurt (no wonder I've been so hungry!)

Weight gain: 12.5 lbs

Symptoms: You know, I've felt pretty darn good this week. I've been checking for stretch marks every day, and I don't have any on my belly yet (knock on wood) but noticed a small line or 2 around my hips... I've been slathering on Burt's Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter  like it's my job, so hopefully that helps! 

Pregnancy perks: Now that I'm starting to show more, and people see that I'm pregnant, everyone has been really nice to me. You can't be mean to the pregnant girl, right?

Things I miss: Wine, cocktails, coffee.

Food aversions: Nothing totally grosses me out right now, but I don't have any desire to eat seafood (and I used to love seafood) especially shrimp...

Food cravings: I've been all about the chocolate and anything chocolate and peanut butter lately (not like this is new!). And, I still love all the cheesy carby goodness. Bagels have been hitting the spot again this week. 

Well, fingers crossed we have safe travels and all goes well on our trip! I'll report back (and hopefully bring warm weather back with us) when I return!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Halfway There: Week 20

We are halfway there! Woohooo! 20 weeks and counting. 

It's been a busy week this week, so I'm getting this posted just in the nick of time (we're 21 weeks tomorrow!).

We had our 20 week ultrasound this week, and it was AMAZING. We got to see our sweet baby's face and he is absolutely adorable. I am already so in love! I honestly just stare at his picture multiple times each day... it's just SO sweet. Ahhh! I can't wait until he gets here! I mean look at that sweet little face... He's just so precious. I love you, baby boy!

Our sweet baby boy!

Our 20-week doctor appointment last week went well. Whew, what a relief! The doc said all looks good and she was able to get the baby's heartbeat right away, no problem. And, our 20-week ultrasound went great! The doctor said everything looks perfect! That was the BEST news yet. It's just so wonderful to hear that the baby is healthy and developing on schedule. After all that we've been through, it's so nice to get such GOOD news :) I'm feeling very thankful!

And, it's just so WILD to see the baby! We're so curious what he's going to look like when he comes out. Will he look like Lukas? Like me? Will he be more olive skin toned or pale (like his mommy)? Will he have blue or brown eyes? We know one thing for sure, he will have dark hair... and plenty of it! Sorry, baby, we're passing on our hairy genes to you! Haha :) 

I honestly cannot wait for him to get here! I can't believe we have 19 more weeks to go. 40 weeks is a LONG time to be pregnant! I've been feeling good and all, but man, that's a long time!

I am really excited for our upcoming BABYMOON! We're going to the Dominican Republic in 9 days. Woohoo! Bring on the warm weather and sunshine. It has been absolutely miserable here in Chicago. It's currently -2 outside and feels like -24. Lovely. I am SO over winter. Argh! I am counting down the days until we can get out of here... and hopefully when we return, warmer weather will be just around the corner!

Well, my baby bump is growing!!! It looks like a true bump now :)

20 weeks!

I haven't had to get maternity clothes yet (beyond my jeans) and have been making my current wardrobe work. Hopefully I can make it through the season before I'll need to buy more!

How far along: 20 weeks

Baby's size: Banana (6.5 inches and 10.2 ounces) But, when we were at our ultrasound, the doctor said the baby already weighed 13 ounces, so he's been packing on the oz!

Weight gain: 10-11 lbs (it fluctuates)

Symptoms: Feeling good, overall. I've had more indigestion and constipation (so fun! this has been a constant symptom throughout the pregnancy... but I think that's just a given). Achy hips when I sleep.

Pregnancy perks: Seeing our sweet baby boy! SO amazing!!! He is so adorable. Love him! And, hearing the best news that he's healthy and growing right on schedule :) He has been kicking up a storm and I love feeling him move. I think we've got a little soccer player on our hands.

Things I miss: The usual... coffee, wine. 

Food aversions: Still get weird about meat and seafood. Eggs. But overall, not bad.

Food cravings: Chipotle burritos are pretty amazing! And, I had to have french fries on Sunday... but note to self, the indigestion was not worth it! My poor sensitive stomach is even more sensitive now that I'm preggo. Otherwise, bagels, pasta, pizza... all the usual things sound good :) 

Okay baby, let's keep on keeping on! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mango Love: Week 19

We are 19 weeks! 19 weeks! Really, almost half way there. YAYYYY!!!!

Baby boy is GROWING! And so is his momma! Sometimes I step on the scale and it says I've gained 2 lbs overnight. Is that really possible? I don't think so... it has to be water weight, right? Well, I'm happy I'm gaining weight because that means my little love bug is growing, and all I want is for him to be healthy.

But, it is a bit difficult to see the scale rise each morning. It can be a little shocking, to say the least. For me, I didn't gain any weight for the first 10-11 weeks, and now I'm packing it on. SO, it makes me a wee bit nervous for how the next 20 weeks are going to go. Oh, well. C'est la vie! I just hope it doesn't go to my face... I remember in college when I packed on the pounds and my cheeks were like chubby chipmunks. I'm hoping I don't go down that path :)

Otherwise, I've been feeling more baby kicks and it's such an amazing feeling. It's like a secret game between the two of us :) I had Lukas feel my belly the other night and he felt his first kick. He had his hand on my belly and then quickly pulled away, startled, "Oh! I felt it!!"

It's such an odd experience (especially for someone else who's not used to the feeling) to feel a little being moving inside you, but at the same time, it's seriously SO cool.

Anyway, baby boy is doing great and keeps on growing. We have our 20 week appointment on Thursday and I'm so excited! Although we don't have our 20 week ultrasound until the following Tuesday, as we had to schedule that separately at Hinsdale Hospital (they don't do the in-depth ultrasounds at our doctor's office). SO... I need to wait another week before I get a glimpse of my sweet baby's face. CANNOT WAIT. Let's just hope the doctor can find the baby's heartbeat without an entire saga this time... I'll keep you posted.

In other news, I've found myself a bit obsessed with anyone and everyone who is currently pregnant. Pregnant celebrities especially... I mean Blake Lively was just darling, and now Jessica Biel (she's about to pop!) and Kiera Knightly... who else... Ashley Simpson is pregnant again.... I love reading every US Weekly news alert. Pretty funny.

OK, see my growing baby bump!

19 weeks!

How far along: 19 weeks

Baby's size: MANGO (6 inches and 8.5 ounces)

Weight gain: 9 lbs 

Symptoms: Feeling good, still a bit achy (oh, my back!). My body finally "feels" pregnant now that my belly is getting bigger.

Pregnancy perks: Feeling the baby move is still at the top of my list, but so is seeing my growing belly. Pregnancy is such an amazing experience to have your body transform daily. It really is unbelievable.

Things I miss: Wine is probably at the top of my list... only 20 more weeks to go! Ha.

Food aversions: They've been getting better. Although I still won't eat eggs and fishy smells still make me nauseous. I did buy some soy milk and that seems to be helping!

Food cravings: Nothing too crazy this week. I just love food in general, and it's generally both sweet and salty foods. Carbs, cheese, sweets, fruits... get in my belly!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Tummy Flutters: Week 18

I started feeling little tummy flutters this week! It. was. AMAZING!

At first I wasn't sure if it was indigestion or something... as it felt like bubbles in my belly... but, the more I would lie there with my hand on my belly, I could feel his little flutters. What an INCREDIBLE feeling! I can't wait until his little karate kicks get stronger and I feel them more often :)

We're 18 weeks and counting (this post is a few days late, oops!) Almost half way there. Woot woot!

I still feel good and have been eating my way through the week! Ha. The scale has been rising quickly this month. Eeek! I think baby boy had a bit of a growth spurt. Grow baby, grow! He's been active in there and I can't wait for our 20 week appointment next week. Hopefully this one goes much smoother than our 16 week appointment...

In other news, we had a big discussion about the living situation last weekend and we made the decision to STAY in our house. I'm a little disappointed we're not moving, but at the same time, I'm very relieved we're going to stay. Planning for our first baby, selling our house, packing, moving, buying a new car, maternity leave... all these changes were starting to get a wee bit overwhelming, not to mention the financial implications, so we decided to pump the brakes and stay in our cute little house. For a few more years at least.

BUT, as a compromise, we're going to finish our basement and add another bathroom (YAY!), bedroom and a family room. SO, we will be adding some additional living space over the next few months. We also have a 3-season sun porch (or really, I should call it a 1-season sun porch, because who are we kidding...) and we're going to heat it so we can use it year round. I want to turn that into an office space and a play area.

SO, all in all, we'll be adding quite a bit more livable space to our humble abode. I can't wait to start furniture shopping and decorating again! Ha :) AND, now I get to start planning the nursery since I know we'll be staying in the house. Overall, it's a win win. Plus, if we stay in the house for a few more years, we'll be paying down even more of our principal on our mortgage, and will have that much more equity in the house to buy an even bigger and better house. All good things.

Okay, back to the baby. My belly is GROWING! I literally felt like I woke up and I had a belly overnight. It was the crazy, most wonderful thing.

18 weeks!

How far along: 18 weeks

Baby's size: Sweet Potato (5.6 inches and 6.7 ounces)

Weight gain: 8ish lbs (let's just say the scale is rising FAST!)

Symptoms: I feel good, but my hips have been a bit achy and so has my back. Sleep has been the biggest issue, but some nights are really good and others not so much. I wake up at least once to go to the bathroom and then sometimes I can't fall back asleep. So, that's that. I guess it's preparing me for all of the sleepless nights ahead!

Pregnancy perks: Feeling the baby move! Oh, my. SOOOO wonderful. 

Things I miss:  The usual things... wine, sushi, deli meat. I miss the Beach Club from Jimmy Johns. And, coffee. I know you can drink a small cup of coffee a day, I just have been holding off, but I might indulge.

Food aversions: Still weird about meat sometimes. Milk has also been making my stomach feel weird, but this has been bothering me my whole pregnancy. I think I might try soy or almond milk and see if that helps.

Food cravings: Bagels and all things carbs and cheesey are my friend. Still love the sweet stuff, too. No true cravings this week.

Well, I'm excited about the progress so far and hope baby boy keeps on growing!